Dear Kochana – My woman with the beautiful mind, The basis for the physical universe is the invisible forces of gravity, inertia, matter, energy, atoms and magnetic fields to name but a few. Those objects and life forms we observe are dependent upon unseen laws that make all life possible. Life requires absolute predictability. The […Read more]
My darling Eve, Oh the common things! How crucial they are. The sunrise peeks into our bedroom window to coax us out of bed. We begin our morning ritual of dressing and freshening up for the new day ahead of us. My first morning task is making coffee. As the water gets hot, I set […Read more]
Every healthy marriage is steeped in trust, understanding, touching, sharing, intimate knowing, faith and God. All these attributes make us one and evolve because we become more ‘one’ as each day passes. Life is fun, days are filled with joy, our cup of blessing is ‘packed down, shaken together and running over’, as described by […Read more]
The creative power and genius of the Most High God didn’t end on the sixth day of creation. Only God can speak matter and life into being. Man can invent by using materials at hand, but he cannot create something from nothing. Atheists struggle with the existence of an eternal, all-powerful God. They choose to […Read more]
The events of each day open my eyes to the many reasons I am grateful that we met, became friends and then one. Many of the reasons are subtle, in that one is not aware of many needs until that one arrives who fills all necessities of human interaction on all levels. Many facets of […Read more]
The more we chatted, the lunches on and off site, those hanging conversations when we discussed half of the subject but had to return to work, all those blessed minutes and hours brought the realization that it had to be you. We often wait what seems an eternity living half empty without that soul which […Read more]
Today was an uneventful day and as I sat at the scenic overlook the valley and river displayed itself in the bright brilliant hues of summer. People were jogging, walking, picnicking, cycling and leisurely enjoying the pleasant weather. Life is good, but I miss you when we’re apart. Do you miss me too? When you […Read more]
Endless Letters of Love and Life I began writing these letters out of loneliness. Separation from your one true love brings agony of soul and need for expression of love that can only be shown in the nearness and comfort of home. My intent was to reach out to the one I loved from my […Read more]
It is written, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord”. The Lord God made man in His image. Gen 2: 15-17 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded […Read more]
My Precious Kochana, You may be the greatest bargain hunter on earth! Have you ever bought an item at full price? You stalk value at deep discounts. Your retail pursuit prowess ranges from Macys to thrift stores and garage sales. Your eye is trained to spy out lead crystal at pewter prices. Fine china or […Read more]