My darling wife Eve, my perfect match in life, Just 10 miles outside Wellington is an eco-project and restoration project for the native wildlife of New Zealand. Known as Zealandia or the Karori Sanctuary, its’ perimeter is fenced with a predator proof fence providing native wildlife a habitat like the that which existed before the […Read more]
My always inquisitive Eva, Remember our Puerto Rica vacations? When Puerto Ricans want to express their nationality, they say, “Soy de aqui como el Coqui.” (I’m as Puerto Rican as a Coqui.) Tourists and visitors to Puerto Rico are treated each evening and through the night by this tiny brown frog with the chorus line […Read more]
My little lamb Eve, When I was a small boy lightning and thunder frightened me. Storms would wake me in the night and I ran to my parents tugging at the covers on moms’ side of the bed because she always pulled me into bed with them. She allowed me to stay there until I […Read more]
My tender, delicate and protective Eve, It began as a conversation about the children and as always gradually moved to more serious topics related to the children and family issues. These are always delicate matters between the two mothers-in-law leading to emotional exchanges. You had held your tongue in the past and absorbed the verbal […Read more]
This is a book of 366 letters expressing the thoughts and feelings of a man for the Most High God and the woman he loves. Each letter is intended to be a daily reading. Since each letter is sequenced by a date, the reader can begin at any day of the year and follow through […Read more]
Eva my love, I know of a certainty that you love me by your words, thoughts, actions and intentions. You speak thoughtfully, carefully measuring your words, with kindness even when my attitude is less than pleasant. Your reaction is tempered with consideration for my feelings. Your intentions always have pure objectives without an ulterior motive. […Read more]
My Eve, who encourages me in our walk with God Most High In 1941 there were few escapes from the watchful eyes of the German patrols. The problem was that one could never be without their identification papers. The Nazis enforced very strict procedures and administered them with severe punishment for even the slightest infraction. […Read more]
My darling Ewa, precious helpmate in prayer, We live in the day of lack of effective, meaningful prayer. The lost of the world don’t pray at all. Unfortunately, the many servants of God, in ignorance, pray for themselves first leaving others second and God last of all, for they do not know the character of […Read more]
Darling Eve, my fearless adventurer, On 20 March 1985, Libby Riddles, became the first woman to win the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, a grueling 1,049 mile trek across the frozen Alaska wilderness. Born in Madison, Wisconsin, she moved to Alaska on her 17th birthday. She witnessed a dog team sprint race and fell in love […Read more]
My lovely Eve, I’ve always loved your beautiful mind, The first word we truly understood and learned was ‘no’. The insatiable curiosity of a baby must be held in check to prevent potentially painful and dangerous consequences. ‘No’ is the most repeated word a child hears because all choices involve results which are not catalogued […Read more]