Month: April 2020
Dear Eve, The Galapagos Islands, located at the equator just 600 miles west of Ecuador, South America is home to the flightless cormorant. All other cormorants are powerful in flight as they effortlessly soar and dive into the sea to eat fish, small octopuses and eels. The flightless Galapagos Cormorant also feeds near the sea […Read more]
My dear Ewa, with whom I can share the dark revelations, My heart and mind is focused on you and us this morning as I sip my morning coffee. Our world is infused with confusion, ignorance of the Word of God, lack of Godly understanding, inattention to undeniable end-time warning signs and complete surrender of […Read more]
Eva, the only woman I can tell everything on my mind, Most Americans agree that taxes are necessary to support government, build roads and maintain infrastructure. But few things provoke outrage as quickly as exorbitant or outrageous taxation. The greatest revolt in English history occurred when Richard II imposed a ‘poll tax’ or head tax. […Read more]
Ewa, my travel planner, During our drive along US Route 20 from Custer State Park in South Dakota to Cheyenne Wyoming I noticed a sign which said, ‘Lost Springs Population 1, elevation 4996′. It was strange, to say the least, but I put that bit of information in the back of my mind for future […Read more]
My sweet Eve, who fills my thoughts and makes my dreams come true, We set aside special days to honor those we love and today is one of those days. Over time those days have been commercialized but the meaning still shines through to our sweethearts in the thoughtful gifts we share. Our love has […Read more]
My Eve, There was a man who applied for a job as a greeter at a national retailer. He was astonished when he was told that a test was necessary to apply for the job. Not to worry. He had passed many arduous tests in college, an SEC Securities Exam, and many other screening devices. […Read more]
In our business and professional tenure we had a weekly one on one with our manager to review our current assigned projects, current progress, recent set backs, unexpected or known obstacles and the path forward. During these meetings we became very familiar with the temperament, thoughts, business practices and morals of our direct superior. The […Read more]
It’s Time my Eve for us to be as much like Jesus as we are enabled, When Jesus willingly gave his unblemished life as a substitute for our sin stained existence, he opened the doors to the prison of our fleshly desires enabling us to shed that old tomb of death and claim instead a […Read more]
My Dear Ewa, You know, we recently discarded our old lawn mower, when repairs became numerous and expenses and maintenance became excessive. We attempted for three years to postpone the purchase of a new mower because your man said, “it can be fixed cheaper than we can replace it.” This spring, however, we agreed that […Read more]
My precious Ewa, love of my life, dearest companion and comfort to my soul, You know me as no other human on earth, so you know, that you know, that you know, that you know to the infinite power that I love you with all my heart. You are my upper room soul mate with […Read more]