The Crazy Horse Memorial is the worlds’ largest mountain sculpture. It depicts Crazy Horse, a famous Lakota warrior. It is meant to to commemorate the spirit of Crazy Horse and the Native American people. It is under construction on privately held land in the Black Hills in Custer County, South Dakota. The completed statue has an uncertain finish date because of several factors including weather, the availability of financing and the challenges of mountain engineering. All funds are raised from private sources.The monument is being carved out of Thunderhead Mountain on land considered sacred by some Oglala Lakota between Custer and Hill City South Dakota, approximately 17 miles from Mt Rushmore. The memorials’ final dimensions are planned to be 641 ft wide and 563 ft high. The head of Crazy Horse will be 87 ft high; by comparison, the heads of the four U S presidents are each 60 ft high. Kochana, do you remember the day we were driving from Mt Rushmore to Custer National Park and we saw the huge face carved in the mountain? We immediately drove to it and spent a good part of our day at the site. In 1929, Henry Standing Bear, a Lakota elder initiated the Crazy Horse project by writing to the Polish-American sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski, saying in part, “My fellow chiefs and I would like the white man to know that the red man has great heroes too.” Many American citizens are either Native Americans or have ancestors who were native American. They are a proud people who were the greenest nation on earth. They never understood accumulation of material wealth or thoughtlessly taking life. They honored the Great Spirit in their daily walk and lived their faith by keeping their values with all men. They were honest and fair in their interaction with all people. When we truly see Jesus Christ in His revealed likeness it is also apparent just how superior He is to all other comparisons. Only Jesus Christ rose from the dead, taking death captive and reigning over it. He alone is eternal and because he has conquered death, he is able to redeem us in resurrected glory. He sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven and consistently intercedes on our behalf when the enemy (satan) attempts to interfere with our salvation. Long after Crazy Horse Mountain has crumbled our Lord Jesus Christ will be our brother and friend forever in paradise.
He gave us his love like the rock of ages,Kochany