© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Armbands of Cultural, social and Political Correctness

Posted on May 25, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Precious Eve,
To us it is given to perceive, know and understand the mysteries of the one true God Most High. It is our duty to stand firm upon the instructions that His Holy Spirit imparts to us as we commune with him. We are in his presence as we think, pray and study to show ourselves approved. His presence permeates our being with knowledge, understanding and wisdom. We receive holy life giving, life sustaining, and life perpetuating infusions of the quickening spirit of our Father God. We have come from spiritual darkness into the light of His eternal way. This enlightenment releases us from the ignorance of a world devoid of any likeness to God. Those wicked, ungodly men who were created in his image have made themselves into the likeness of blind, impudent fools. They lost all desire to be like God as they hopelessly groped about in the darkness they enjoyed, all the while falling deeper and deeper into the bottomless pit of sin and separation from the Most High God. Our knowledge of God and his perfect way frees us from the armbands of cultural, social and political correctness. Worldly men have legalized blasphemous behavior forbidden by the Most High God in an attempt to make the immutable law of God of no effect. Under the guise of treating everyone the same, the ulterior motive of the dark side is to cause God’s people to defile themselves by breaking the laws of the Most High God. Man says all people are the same. The Word of God tells us that His people must be different. They must be holy, righteous and true to him.” When we stray from God’s protective authority, His covering umbrella and the hedge of the Word of God, we become captives of the evil one, the prince of the power of the air. We are set apart (sanctified) by the Word of God to be his own peculiar people. We are castigated and persecuted when we walk in truth and speak his Word as irrefutable justification for our actions, beliefs and faith. Just as God protected his prophet Jeremiah, He will also abide with us, protect us, and keep all who trust in him and call upon his Holy Name. It is written in Jeremiah 20: 11, “But the Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten.” We are commanded to walk in his eternal ways that we might be like Him, in his image. We are not to walk in wickedness and evil as the rebellious men who seek equality by attempting to redefine the immutable Word of God. God’s law cannot be redefined! Under God’s law all men are equal! It is the unjust application of his law and cultural traditions that make men of the world unequal. What is set before the citizens of modern nations as just and equal treatment under the law of man is a straitjacket prepared for the ungodly and lost souls to imprison them in the clutches of an evil spiritual empire which is imploding at an ever increasing velocity. All those who walk outside the perfect will of God can be identified by their armbands of cultural, social and political correctness which corrupt the pure spirit of the Law of the Most High God. These men obey man instead of God Most High. They have plucked death from the tree of (ungodly) knowledge of good and evil. Let us forever eat of the tree of life for the fruit of that tree (spirit) yields life everlasting.

The knowledge, understanding and wisdom of Gods’ Word sustains us forever, Kochany


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