© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Paula Dean Cooking

Posted on Jun 15, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Eve, who cooks better than Paula Dean,

Lady and Sons restaurant in Savanah, Georgia is the eating establishment of Paula Dean. On our last full day of vacation we drove south and booked a hop on hop off trolley tour of the historic district, the museum, the original 24 sectors laid out by founder, James Oglethorpe, the city market, River Street, the birthplace of Juliette Gordon Low (founder of the Girl Scouts Iternational), the bench on which Tom Hanks sat in the filming of Forest Gump and 2 historic mansions. The Isaiah-Davenport House was an 1820 Federal-style dwelling built by upwardly mobile artisan Isaiah Davenport for his growing household, which included his wife, children, and slaves. It was his family home until his death in 1827 when his wife, Sarah Clark Davenport, converted it into a boarding house. The Owens-Thomas House was designed by architect William Jay at the young age of 24. It was constructed from 1816 to 1819 for cotton merchant Richard Richardson and his wife Francis Bolton. The interior is Jay’s unique interpretation of the Regency style. Unusual features include a brass inlaid staircase, with a unique bridge spanning the central stairwell, a Greek-key patterned window of amber glass in the dining room, and the magical effect of the drawing room ceiling. For dinner we visited the famous Paula Dean restaurant. We arrived at 6:30 PM and when told that our earliest reservation was 9:30 we promptly agreed to sit at the bar immediately. We were famished so we chose the Paula Dean southern buffet. After the 45 minute drive back to our hotel, we relaxed and discussed the unique modern features which were decades ahead of their time in the Owens-Thomas House featuring running water and toilets with the implementation of cisterns on the roof and second floors of the home. We slept soundly and rested well after a day packed with activity and adventure. Kochana had once again filled the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run; a city tour, the city museum, the historic district and 2 mansions, capped off with a delicious dinner of Paula Dean cooking at the world renouned Lady and Sons Restaurant. Boy we’re tired! Let’s do it again, after we’ve rested, please.

You add your pleasing touch to my life daily, Kochany


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