© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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They Walked Ahead of Us

Posted on Jun 18, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Eve, who shares secrets of my soul,

Antoni and Antonina walked together on the streets of Krakow under the watchful eyes of the occupying Nazis and the treacherous traitors who aided and abetted them. They were tempered like steel by the ravages of war. The daily threat of unwarranted home searches, brutal interrogation, property confiscation, murders and beatings in the street, could not stifle their love in its flowering state. The terror that hardened and desensitized many survivors made them more tender and delicate. Bulbs and seeds germinate and burst open to push the earth above them aside, stretching toward the sun. Nothing can stop this constant, persistent parade of life obeying the purpose, concept and design of Creator God. Those concepts were conceived in the all-knowing mind of God and spoke into being on the third day of creation (Genesis 1:11). The love of Antoni and Antonina was bold as new life in spring. They walked the streets of Krakow in the confidence, hope and grand expectation. They knew that they would make it through whatever each day brought to them. Look at them strolling happily down the street. Antony looked good in his suit. He was handsome, confident, composed and pleased to be seen with his lovely bride. Antonina made her stylish, smartly designed suit look better. No matter what suit she wore, it looked better on her than the designer imagined. To Antoni, her beauty surpassed the beauty of all others. The sight of this couple walking boldly but humbly on the danger filled streets of Krakow pleased God Most High and the angels who watched from heaven. It inspires us as we view pictures which give us a glimpse of the joy they shared. They did it for themselves. They did it for their posterity. And they did it for God who created them for that time and brought them together to finish his plan. Together, they fulfilled the mission God, their heavenly father, assigned to them. Can there be a better family example than the life they lived? Are they not an inspiration to us? They set a perfect example of selflessness and sacrifice for their children. They walked a noble, honorable and righteous life. We love them for the heritage of goodness which they left all who knew and loved them. They walked ahead of us. They instilled hope in us and courage to face danger, uncertainty and despair. My Kochana, I love you as your father loved your mother. It pleases me to walk down any street with you by my side. Just like Antonina, you make the suit you wear look better than the designer imagined. You fill my life with indescribable happiness. You are my joy, my hope and my constant companion. You are my best friend and comforter of my soul. To me, your beauty surpasses the beauty of all others. You are a human touch of God to me. May I always be a human touch of God to you. The Most High God who guided, delivered and protected Antoni and Antonina will also guide, deliver and protect us and grant us peace in our days.

Let us walk ahead of our children in honor of our parents, Kochany


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