© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Knowing the End from the Beginning

Posted on Jun 24, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized
My dearest Eva, who shares the mysteries of God with me,
To know the end from the beginning is to know God. To know God is faith and faith is the way of life. To believe God is to know truth. To know truth is the way of life. To trust God is to be like Christ. To be like Christ is to be a child of God. To align your will with the will of God is to be like God. To be like God is life eternal in Jesus Christ the Son of God the Father. It is written in John 17: “and this is life eternal to know God and Jesus Christ, His Son, whom He has sent.” From the beginning there are only two choices. To be like God or to be unlike God. In the garden, God gave only two choices; the tree of life or the tree of knowledge of good and evil. These premises are supported by Holy Scripture. Through a dream, God showed Joseph the end, or plan for the family of his father Israel/Jacob. That Joseph would rule over his father, mother and siblings was certain for it was ordained of God. To confirm the certainty of the dream, God repeated the theme twice, first in the dream of the sheaves and second in the dream of the sun, moon and stars. All were offended at the thought of bowing down to Joseph but though God revealed the end of the dream, He did not reveal all the events that would require Joseph to be second only to Pharaoh in Egypt. God had told Abraham, that his descendants would spend 400 years in Egypt and He was about to fulfill that promise. God knew that a seven year famine was in the near future and that He needed to place an obedient servant over Egypt to save many people alive. In addition, God used the pastures of Egypt as an incubator for a new nation and he also isolated them from the evil and ungodliness of the Egyptians as well as the Canaanites where God would return them to ‘a land flowing with milk and honey’ when the wickedness of the Canaanites had reached the point where the righteous judgement of God would eradicate them from the sight of a Holy God. The Israelites were Gods’ people set apart (sanctified) to himself, just as he sanctifies us, his holy people, to himself in this present generation. Seven years before the famine came Joseph interpreted the dream God gave Pharaoh when none of the wise men of Egypt could. For 13 years Joseph had suffered in slavey, servitude and an unjust prison sentence. God didn’t reveal the tribulation required to train and prepare Joseph for this leadership role, but the all knowing God teaches, instructs and reasons with us in the daily activities of our lives. For there is the written Word (Bible) and there is the living Word which streams from the mind of God to the children of God perpetually. Through the Holy Spirit, we are taught, guided, directed, encouraged, comforted, renewed and revitalized. The schools of man can only teach the knowledge of man. To find wisdom, knowledge and truth requires communion and reasoning with God and obedience to His instruction. This is why Jesus, apart from being the only begotten son of God, could accurately say, ‘the Father and I are one. What I have heard from the father I tell you’. When He healed, it was God, His Father, working in and through Jesus who was aligning His earthly human will with that of His Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ knew God as Father and he emulated the Most High God in all that He said, thought and achieved. Christ is the ultimate achievable spiritual state for a redeemed mankind and in that state (they in me and I in you/God), Jesus knew the end from the beginning and so do we, His brothers and sisters in Christ, because to know the end from the beginning is to know God. Let’s give thanks to our all knowing Holy Heavenly father God and His Son Jesus Christ for all He does for us and His creation.

Confident in God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, Kochany


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