Be certain that God will vindicate all his children, Kochany
Ahab and Jezebel Always Die for Their Brazen Sin
My Eve, the woman to whom I can share all that is on my mind,
King Ahab wanted a parcel of land owned by one of his subjects. When he asked the owner to sell it to him, he refused because it was the family inheritance. Ahab was sulking and discouraged when his wife, the evil Queen Jezabel, told him that she would see to it that he got the property. She plotted against the owner, commanded several false witnesses to testify against him and he was sentenced to death. Upon his death, Ahab took posession of the land he wanted. Before he could enjoy his new parcel of land, God sent the prophet Elijah to pronounce a sentence of death upon Ahab, Jezabel and all their male heirs (sons) from God because he forcefully and deceitfully stold from an innocent man that which God had given him through his family. Inheritance is a sacred legacy, instituted by the Most High God to perpetuate the life accomplishments of a deceased parent or family member (uncle, aunt, etc.). When a husband and wife conspire to steal property acquired through inheritence, they receive a death sentence from a just and angry God. Sometimes there is an Ahab and Jezabel in a family who seek to steal an inherited property. If they succeed, they will reap torment, trouble and even death soon after their dismal failure (to acquire anything of value by evil is dismal failure). Ahab was a nice guy but he was an evil man. Jezabel was a worshipper of baal who is commonly accepted as the most wicked woman of power in history (hence the reason that the name Jezabel is never used for a girl child). Upon death, dogs licked the blood of Ahab and dogs ate the body of Jezabel. They found only her skull, feet and the palms of her hands for the works of her hands and the evil walk of her feet were so wicked that even dogs wouldn’t eat them. In His Word, God has explicitly shown us His precedent for the crime of stealing an inheritance, which is death. Let us pray for the Ahab and Jezabel in our family. God will in his mercy give them time to repent and return that which was stolen. Their lives are in their own hands, to decide upon life or death. Obedience is life, disobedience is death. If they refuse to repent and return the inheritance, then when their wickedness reaches the fullness of judgement, the deserved punishment will fall and total destruction will ensue. That which they have stolen, God can replace in an instant. Unfortunately, shame, defeat, death and judgment is upon their heads and they don’t comprehend it. They will never enjoy that which they have deceitfully and wickedly acqiured for they put forth their hand against God and his servant to take that which God did not give them. This is perversion and great sin. Satan has given them an illusion of victory to trick them into working his evil. Be strong and know that God watches over his own. I love you with all my heart. God gives us hope, peace, love and promise but Ahab and Jezabel always die for their brazen sin.