© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Our Greatest Accuser

Posted on Sep 16, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

Eve, my deep thinking love,

The Holy Word of God Most High records the life of Joseph, Son of Israel (Jacob), Son of Isaac, Son of Abraham.  Abraham walked in faith and believed God when God told him that he would be father of many nations when he was past child bearing age. According to his faith and belief in the promises of the one true God, Isaac was born to him when he was 100 and Sarah, his wife, was 90 years of age. His faith was counted to him as righteousness. God told him, “your seed will be strangers in a land that is not theirs and they will enslave them and oppress them, for 400 years.” Joseph was sold into slavery by jealous brothers who would have murdered him except for the intercession of the Most High God who withheld their hand and allowed them to sell him to a camel caravan of traders (Ishmaelites) bound for Egypt. God blessed the slave Joseph and he found favor in the eyes of his first master and even his jailor when he was falsely accused by his masters wife and placed in prison. This was the second major false accusation against Joseph, a servant of God, for which he was condemned with evil intent. According to the calendar of events in the schedule of God All-mighty (revealed to Pharaoh in a dream and interpreted by Joseph), a great world-wide famine followed immediately after an unprecedented time of plenty. Under the leadership of Joseph, Gods man of the hour, 20% of the abundance of those 7 years of plenty were stored in anticipation of the 7 dearth years of famine. In Canaan, the family of Israel (Jacob), was on the verge of starvation during the second year of the famine and Jacob told his sons to ‘go to Egypt and get food for us’. The ten accusers of Joseph (his brothers) knowing they had sold their younger brother into slavery to Egypt were accused by their guilt and resisted going to Egypt. Jacob refused to send Benjamin, his youngest son, in fear that he would lose him like he lost Joseph. Reluctantly, with no other alternative, the 10 accusers (brothers) travelled to Egypt to buy food and they unknowingly stood before Joseph. Joseph recognized and knew his brothers but they did not recognize him, so he spoke roughly to them and as his dreams foretold, they bowed face down to the ground in obeisance. Remembering his dream, Joseph accused them of being spies, giving his accusers a taste of false accusation. In fear (with a guilty conscience), they told him about his father and brother who were still alive and that one of the 12 sons was not (dead and that son was Joseph), who was standing before them. In love, mercy and forgiveness, Joseph imprisoned Simeon, the most violent of his brothers who thought to murder him, and allowed the other 10 to return to their father and families to preserve life and assure the preservation of the promise of God to make of Abraham a great nation. In this sequence of events, we see that our greatest accuser is ourself. We will stand before the Most High God in the final judgement and we will stand accused by the transgressions of our life (like those 10 evil brothers). Those covered by the blood of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of God, through the mercy and intercession of the Son of God, will live forever in his presence. The 10 brothers were unworthy of the love of God, but the tough posture of their intercessor (Joseph their brother, i.e. a type of Christ) would ultimately bring them to a full realization of the need for confession, which is to confront, head on, the wicked actions of past and present ungodly behavior. Confronting Joseph was the beginning to healing a wounded family relationship. Healing the family of Jacob was necessary in bringing to pass the promises given to Abraham in Canaan and to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to bring forth a redeemer who would restore the hierarchy Creator God planned, which provided no place for evil and the devil. In order to bring us to a point of decision, God always acquaints us with our greatest accuser, which is ourself, to induce confession, the realization of our helplessness without God and a desire to reach out to the only God who can and will redeem us from our sin. Let us always cleave to our God who through Jesus, his son, is a friend who is closer than a brother.

We are servants of God in Christ, Kochany


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