Standing with you in your stand with God, Kochany
Make Only Agreements Acceptable to God
Darling Eve,
When negotiating make only agreements acceptable to God. An agreement which is acceptable to God will always place the primary focus on godliness and not fairness as viewed in the fallible mind of man. Man will bend facts, stretch the truth, lie, mislead, make empty promises, hide pertinent information and invent new evils to accomodate whatever scheme, scam or theft necessary to steal and misappropriate the manifold blessings God intended for another. Satan is at the center of lies and deception. His name means ‘liar’. He is the father of lies. He is the most low lucifer, lord of the devils and demons in hell. He has many followers on earth who are like him and disguise themselves as righteous. We all have some family members who are secretly devils. They sue you at court and hide behind a burden of proof because they are liars and cowards, afraid to admit the truth, lest they be justifiably accused and judged as guilty. It’s hard to prove your case against a practiced liar. However, God can prove your case against the most proficient liar. Some men will tell a lie on the credit before they will tell the truth for cash. They know how to mix a gram of truth with a metric ton of lies to make it sound believable. But God is not fooled or deceived. He will visit judgement upon the head of the offender and vindicate you, his wounded servant. However Kochana, my pure one, be not troubled that one you love is in grave danger of the wrath of a righteous God for greed and avarice. You cannot save one whom you love from Godly justice for ungodly conduct. That is between those loved ones and God. He holds them to the same standards to which He holds us. God demands truth, honesty, and obedience to the will of the parents. It is written, ‘honor your father and mother that your days may be long upon the earth.’ Anyone who breaks the law of God is subject to a shortened life, as written in the 6th commandment. You can’t change that and you are not sentencing the loved one, the offender always sentences himself. They are blind leading the blind and all will fall in the ditch. We must stand with God and He will win the battle. All things are not as they seem. When offers come, and some ridiculous offers will come, to create an illusion of fairness and reaching out to you, it is only to accuse you, but in actuality as you stand with God, they are accusing the Most High God who cannot be accused of evil. Stand with God and you will win with Him. He sees the end from the beginning. Say no to any deal which God would decline. If you demand righteousness, God will stand by you for you are aligning your will with the will of God. That’s the secret to answered prayer. As you align your will with God, you will make only agreements acceptable to God; agreements which He will approve and accept. He will bestow upon you the blessings and benefits fitting to your obedience to His will. As Pope John Paul said to the Polish People when the communists fought against freedom, “Be not afraid.”