Our Cup Runs Over with Love
My darling Eve, you excite me when you come into my presence,
We share a life full of happiness, joy and contentment. From the day we met, when I first thought you might be the woman who would end my search for marital bliss, until the moment it became apparent to us that you were the final solution to our quest, the cup of our love has spilled over in a perpetual stream of blessing, peace and fulfillment. Our home is a bastian of love, a fortress of hope, a stronghold of peace and a wellspring of happiness and hope. Each day there are those sweet moments of tenderness; an evening cuddle on the couch, a cup of tea on the patio, holding hands on our daily walk, praying together for our needs or giving praise to God for his blessings in our lives. Each morning you lay in bed after I rise, I go to the kitchen and make our morning coffee. I know just how you like it prepared, with milk and sugar. Because I love you, your husband adds just half the amount of sugar you prefer, because you do not need the extra sugar. When I bring it to you, you sit up in bed and we chat as you sip your coffee in bed, before rising to put on your face, brush your teeth and dress. This is love in action. Those times when I have a great idea to make us rich, (we could have been millionairs by now) you can always be sure to douse (call into question and prevent) my zeal and enthusiasm with the cold water of common sense. (You saved me and us from several questionable strategies over the years) This also is love in action. You instill continuous excitement into the mundane events of daily living with unplanned changes in our vacations (in mid-journey), arriving home with garage sale treasures you had to buy or shopping until the stores close on cold winter evenings with no thought of the imminent storm (you know this upsets me but you can’t help yourself), just to name a few. To be sure, the ebb and flow of our days is filled with all the attributes of saturating love that leaves no room for self-centered motives. When it comes to us, our cup runs over with love.
Let us count our blessings daily and give thanks to God Most High,Kochany