© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Adding Insult to Injury

Posted on Oct 11, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My dear Eve, my deep thinking, analytical mate,

This morning the Wall Street Journal reported a demeaning experience by a 52 year old working woman who worked all her life and struggled to pay for health insurance. When her government socialized health care, everyone was forced on the nationalized health care program. Her existing policy was canceled because it did not meet standards drawn up by government bureaucrats which would provide for all medical expenses. To her great alarm, the plan offered by the national health service charged her for many services she would not and even could never use, like maternity coverage. The new plan was almost double the cost of the plan that was within her budget and she was happy with. She could not afford the new plan and her old plan was cancelled. She had no health care coverage and could not afford the plan designed by her government for the medical needs of its citizens. She said,  “I think that we should be able to take care of ourselves and to earn enough money to pay for basics, and health insurance is one of them.” For two years she had paid out of pocket for that plan, but now she is being told that the plan isn’t good enough for her. Her only option was to go on the fully funded program which would cost her nothing (zero). She said, “I just don’t expect anything positive out of getting free health care. I don’t see why other people should have to pay for my care, whether it be through taxes or otherwise.” In paying for health insurance herself, she is safeguarding her dignity and independence and her sense of being a fully functioning member of society. She grew up, one of six children, in a dairy-farming family. “The way I was raised, taking government handouts is shameful,” she said.  Her own personal contribution would be the difference between dignity and despair. It is unfortunate when the governments of man meddle with the the lives of citizens and make personal decisions as if the people were incapable of thinking for themselves. In the guise of helping the people they actually make them more and more dependent and incapable of providing or thinking for themselves. Jesus told Judas, “The poor you always have with you.” We will always have poor people. Many of my friends were poor when we grew up. The poor were just as happy as the rich. Sometimes they were happier. They were rich in spirit and industrious. They did not expect others to do those things for them that they could do for themselves. They lived within their means and dreamed, planned and educated themselves. The state sponsored programs intended to redistribute wealth continue to make the poor poorer, because they lose all incentive to provide for themselves. The socialized medicine that was forced upon each citizen is adding insult to injury. The injury is unaffordable health care and the insult is shame to each one forced to receive it against their will, denying them the responsibility to decide for themselves.

May we always decide to please our God Most High, Kochany


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