This has been just an ordinary day with the usual schedule, the expected results, the same great friends for coffee this morning and the friendly smiles of joggers and walkers on their daily stroll.
It has been a time of reflection and study from my bible reading. The ordinary can be good for us in that it creates no stress, it demands no additional energy, it is satisfied with very little and is effortlessly attainable. It is also the result of contentment and happiness in the current state of affairs. Simply stated, it is the extraordinary result of the commonplace.
My ordinary day is centered around those I love, i.e. family, friends and acquaintances. These people are the primary source of meaning in my life. When we consider the attraction between human beings it is easy to visualize the grand scheme of God when he drew up the master plan for a universe. To those who profer evolution and the big bang theory, I say that even the law of averages doesn’t support the infinite number random and accidental mutations to evolve life. What an extraordinary day when God spoke into being day and night, plant life, animal life and the crowning achievement of His creation, when He formed man (male and female) of the dust of the earth. It was ordinary soil until God formed it into a man. Thus to a degree, even the man is ordinary in his composition. The creative power of God is ordinary for the supreme being of the universe. Creation for the all knowing God was/is the essence of his being.
For man we find that God can create a solution for any crisis when He is sought with all the heart, soul and mind in fervent prayer. He tells is to, “call upon him in times of trouble.” It is during the ordinary times that we forget the absolute control God has over His creation. We foolishly think that we do this or that apart from His influence. O a truth, God is always standing in the shadows, keeping watch over his own.
So let us be grateful for the blessings of God in our ordinary lives, during our ordinary days, in our ordinary life style. He gave us His love and each other to live in peace, safety, pleasure and happiness. Tonight as we lay down let us ask our Holy Father in prayer for a restful sleep and when we rise for just an ordinary day together; the Lord, and you and me.
I love you My Lord and give thanks for Eve, In grateful love, Kochany