© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Brilliant Minds and Inventive Women

Posted on Dec 20, 2019 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Dear Eve,

Is the most inventive gender the female? It should be obvious. How many times does a mother and housewife adjust impossible schedules, combine two or more tasks, answer questions of 3 children (while she is on the phone), cook dinner while talking to her husband (while he is reading the paper and nodding in agreement). I was surprised to read about Tabitha Babbit. In 1810, while sitting at her spinning wheel she saw two men with a crosscut saw and noticed that half the back-and-forth motion was wasted. She envisioned a circular blade. By notching the edge of a thin metal disk and attaching it to her spinning wheel, she effortlessly cut through a shingle. The circular saw was born. Grace Hopper, a Navy lieutenant and mathematician was assigned to the team developing UNIVAC I, the first computer for business and consumer use. Ridiculed by her peers, she developed a compiler, a device that converts human language into binary. This made computers easier to program and use. In 1988, Patricia Bath developed and patented a method of painlessly removing cataracts using a surgical laser. Each of these women was creative and had an inventive mind. I have watched as you blend work, conversation and inventiveness. You are just as proficient as these three women. I’ve watched you while reading my paper, mowing the lawn, drinking my coffee, (only one thing at a time, mind you). The woman God gave me has a curious, inventive mind like the creative mind of God. While doing your work around the house, you still find new and fresh approaches to my heart. I wouldn’t change a thing about you. I’m in love with an inventive woman.

I’m going to get a patent on you, Kochany


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