A Bargain for Kochana
My Precious Kochana,
You may be the greatest bargain hunter on earth! Have you ever bought an item at full price? You stalk value at deep discounts. Your retail pursuit prowess ranges from Macys to thrift stores and garage sales. Your eye is trained to spy out lead crystal at pewter prices. Fine china or tarnished designer silver cast aside as undesirable you clean and polish so that those items look new. It’s as if they were restored by the touch of the master’s hand. You acquire them for pennies on the dollar and they become treasures. In this you emulate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Until he redeems us from the scrap heap, we are worthless and ignored by the world we live in. When He called us, we were tarnished and tossed aside by the destroyer. He is the destroyer because he steals the beauty of our youth and profanes our purpose in the eternal design of God the Father. He advances upon us in our beauty but when (satan) touches us we are debased, ashamed, angry and ugly. But Jesus finds value in all levels of society. He displays no respect of persons. Then he scrubs and cleans the tarnish of our sin and polishes us with His Holy Spirit. We exhibit newness of life from the touch of His holy hand. God showed me that you were a bargain, and it pleases me to please and comfort you. We have watched with thankfulness His work in each other. We watched as God scrubbed, cleaned and polished us in our daily walk with Him. You were the greatest human bargain for me. It is my prayer to be a bargain for you Kochana. May angels keep and protect you,
In the peace of Christ, Your Kochany