The Greatest Standing Ovation
Our son called this morning . We discussed how things were going for us and then I asked how his wife and daughter were. He told me that the baby doesn’t like her crib. She prefers her car seat. At nap time she sets in her car seat and quickly falls to sleep. The issue is that when they go to bed at night she still prefers her car seat. The night before last, he talked to our Rosita, explaining that her crib was much better for sleeping and she was beside mommy and daddy’s bed. That night she slept in her bed. But last night she expressed great displeasure with tears when she was placed in her crib. She has a strong will. He said that when he comes home, Rosita meets him at the door with a big smile and claps her hands as he walks into the house. He said, “I get a standing ovation every day.” How it thrills his heart! This is the young man that said he would never marry and have children. He dated good women and a couple times when they broke up I asked him, “What was wrong with that woman?” He just hadn’t met the right woman. Remember the band he played in? He said he had some standing ovations after good performances but none compare to the one person standing ovation he receives each day when he returns home. In this we see how God moves in the innocence of our 14 months old Rosita. What power He exhibits in the love of a child! Jesus said, “Allow the little children to come to me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” There is no doubt that when our Rosita runs to the door and claps her hands in glee, our son is receiving the greatest standing ovation of all.
Let’s give a standing ovation to our Rosita, Kochany