The Redemption of Ruth and Us
My Kochana,
Tonight my thoughts revert back to the subject of Ruth and the law of the kinsman redeemer. The name Ruth means ‘friend, companion’. Ruth was the young Moabite widow who said to Naomi, her Hebrew mother-in-law, “Where you go, there I shall go also; your people will be my people, your God, my God”. Scripture records her love, loyalty, deep devotion and faithfullness to Naomi, and her God, even though her husband, his brother and father-in-law were dead and Naomi owed a debt on the family property and had no financial resources to pay what was owed. The law of Moses allowed a near kinsman (close family member) to pay the debt on behalf of the debtor, thus redeeming the land of the family. In the Holy Bible, the four chapter book of Ruth describes how Boaz, a near kinsman paid the debt, redeeming the land, Ruth and Naomi. He married Ruth, who became the great grandmother of King David of the nation of Israel. Hidden in the fabric of the bible (written Word of the Most High God) is the eternal law of Creator God. Satan knew this law when he tempted Eve in the garden of Eden and understood well that eternal consequences would result because the law of God was forever. (NOTE: the important fact that sin is the exchange of temporary pleasure or benefit for an ETERNAL consequence of separation from the Most High God). This is why eternal damnation was the immediate verdict for Lucifer (the serpent/satan) but a way of escape was provided for the man and woman through the coming of Mesiah, Jesus Christ. The devil also knew that there was no other man to redeem the land (earth) for original sin would be passed on to every descendant of the first couple of the Creation. Original sin is when satan entered man in the garden of Eden, which instantly brought a fallen nature, in which Lucifer planned to hold hostage the man and woman, whom God loved, to use them as a shield between God and himself and the deserved judgement. God had left Lucifer out of the creation and He had no legitimate (lawful) claim to any part of the earth. He adroitly deceived Eve, who understood nothing of the deeper law of the eternal universe, used her to deliver the fatal poison to her husband and usurped the authority God had given man over the world. Thus a world created for God and man became a perverted world prison where man was chained to an oppressive wicked, self serving, evil dictator who holds power by stealing from God while holding mankind hostage, that which the Most High God intended for man and Himself alone. Under the influence of Lucifer she offered (shared) her perversion, using the good motive of being like God (in the form of natural hunger) by putting forth her hand (attaining her goal outside the acceptable procedure of Gods’ eternal law) for personal pleasure which could not be shared by or with her holy God. God cast satan out of the garden by cutting the man and woman off from the Tree of Life whereby satan was trapped in the flesh of man and limited in His power on earth. God can forgive whom He wills to forgive. He will forgive if sin is confessed and one turns from their wicked ways. This traps satan because in man (all are born in original sin) that which is evil stays in the grave and only the redeemed man (male and female created he them – man & woman) is resurrected to new life with the Most High God. The simple story of Ruth illustrates the deep implications of the eternal law of righteousness which rules every facet of life and the universe. Let us be grateful that our God loved us so much that he devised a plan to redeem us from the debt of sin which we could not pay. You are the my dearest freind and companion. Walk through this world with me always.
I love you my darling,Kochany