Returning in a Cloud of Witnesses
My darling Ewa, who comforts my soul and shares my deepest joys and sorrows,
We anxiously await the earthly return of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, Lord and Savior for the physical and spiritual universe yearns the restoration of all things to the holy order of the Most High God in Holiness, righteousness, truth and love. In eternity past Lucifer (satan) rebelled against his Creator God, when in pride he believed his self centered lies, ‘I shall be like God’ (in this case by his own power, of himself and without Creator God or his principles and holiness) and ‘I am more beautiful than the Son of God’, However the Son (Christ) is in fact like God because He emulates His Holy father, is one with and in Him (always aligning His will with and acceding to the mind of God His Father) in devotion and dedication to God His First Love forever. Such great love absolves us from pride for in sanctification (setting oneself apart for God only) perfect love has no pride. Perfect love is Christ Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. The way of satan, as exhibited in the Garden of Eden was pride of Life (I am self sufficient and therefore I will be my own God), the lust of the eyes (seeing with the physical eye and desiring self aggrandizement) and the lust of the flesh (attaining the knowledge of good and evil by experiencing or KNOWING sin (perverting a holy principle by deviating from and/or defiling any person (spiritual or physical), place or thing in defiant, premeditated opposition to the absolute truth of God Most High. We have been taught to look for His coming in a physical return on earth and we shall surely see it! He will return in these last days in a great cloud of witnesses, just as He worked in a cloud of witnesses in the first century church, for having learned from the teachings of the apostles, disciples and the Holy Spirit, those Christians taught others in obedience to the command of Jesus, ‘Go into all the world and spread the good news of the Kingdom of God’. Personal knowledge is not enough. God, in Christ His Son, gives us treasures of truth, knowledge and wisdom not to hide in our minds and hearts but rather to enlighten (you are the light of the world) all who have not received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. When we tell others what we have been shown by the Holy Spirit (spiritual truth is only comprehended when the Holy Spirit opens our minds the way they were created to work for we are created in the image of God). In the perverted, rebellious mind of the natural man we are blinded to the glorious light (understanding, wisdom and truth) upon which the universe (both spiritual and physical) was conceived in the mind of God and spoken into being through the Son of God. Enoch the seventh generation from Adam prophesied, ‘behold, He is coming in ten thousand saints to shine’. This is a great cloud of witnesses foretold by Enoch who was translated into Heaven, not experiencing physical death. Let us keep our eyes open and our hearts and minds alert for the day of His return is near at hand. (Jesus told us to ‘Watch, for you know not the hour of His coming’) We must understand that when the Holy Spirit returns and abides in our bodies, transforming our hearts and minds, that this is a return of Christ in the flesh, not as one person but as many in one body, the church, growing on the vine of Jesus Christ, the vine of Life, who is one with His and our Father, the source of life eternal. So lift up your head, open your heart in glorious expectation for our redemption draws near. Our Lord Jesus Christ is even now returning in a cloud of witnesses to reclaim all that was lost in the defiant fall of Adam and Eve for satan is soon to be overcome and put underfoot forever.
Loving you in the love of Christ, Kochany