© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Following Their Master

Posted on Feb 18, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Eve, ewe make me happy my little lamb,

On a group tour of a local Park, we were treated to a farmer leading 9 Sheep. They looked like large goats but some sheep have large horns. I noticed that the sheep followed their master but little did I notice the reason they followed him so faithfully. So I asked the farmer when he passed with the 9 sheep, ‘why they followed so close.’ He smiled and stretched forth his left arm with a bucket in the bend of his elbow. ‘They follow because they know I have food in the bucket.’ He had learned this after he fed them a few times from that bucket, they followed him even when it was empty, if he carried on on his arm so that they couldn’t see that it was empty. They can’t be fooled (disappointed) often though or they will stop following. These sheep knew that a meal was at the end of the walk. Often Gods’ people only follow Him when they think that a treat is in his great bucket of blessing. Those who follow only because of the benefits of being with God are missing the fullness of his love because they go on their own way and are not with him when the blessings are distributed. Jesus said, “my sheep know my voice.” The sheep follow the call of the good shepherd for he will lay down his life to protect them. The safety of the sheep fold is the watchful eye of the shepherd of Life. May we be like the sheep following their master as he guides us along the path of life.

Following the master is the way of Life, Kochany


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