© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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The Mural on the Wall

Posted on Feb 21, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

Eve, my favorite interior decorator,

Early this morning I walked into the Donut Bank Restaurant. As you know this is my favorite coffee stop. To my surprise, there was a new mural painted on a wall. In the center was a window through which a German baker was removing a loaf of freshly baked bread from a brick oven. At the bottom of the window was a flower box with flowers in full bloom. The shutters at each side looked as if they were of Bavarian design. At the bottom left side of the outside wall was an old barrel which had been cut in half being used as a huge flower pot also chock full of lovely full bloom flowers. In front of this was a small concrete sitting bench. On the bottom right there was a Greek style flower pot with fresh flowers. Lastly there were two crawling flowered vines surrounding the windows. To my embarrassment when I asked who painted the new mural, they told me that it had been there for several years. One waitress said that it was there when she started five years ago. Kochana it’s hard to believe that I could overlook this striking mural for over five years (maybe even longer). On the other hand, I do fail to notice new decorations, pictures, and flowers that you bring home for our pleasure. Sometimes you even ask if I see anything different. Ouch! That’s crunch time, even panic! I really do appreciate all your improvements and the perpetual decorative updates. You make our house our home. Your choices suit me to a tee. Admittedly, sometimes I don’t understand when you exchange a set of new drapes, that look good to me, for another set with just a shade different color, more or less flowers, different length, less sheer, etc. But I love you and whatever you finally choose will be fine with me. You are very patient with me in these matters and your husband is most appreciative. In the final analysis, it is you and us that counts. Do you suppose that we overlook the many blessings of God when He decorates our lives with new friends, new wild life, a good job, good health and all the other things which improve and complete our days? We know that we do. What patience in our Lord that He is constant, for that is who and what He is. Let us agree that we will as one in marriage and individuals seek to graciously receive his blessings and openly thank Him for his mercies. He is Good. He is Love. He is our heavenly Father. We are His because He called us and we answered. Unlike the innate picture on the wall, He paints a living mural all over our heart, mind and soul. He is life and He quickens us in His Holy Spirit. Let us endeavor to be more appreciative and observant to the living mural that God the Creator is fashioning in our being and dedicate our days to aligning our will with His perfect plan for us and our place in the universal mural which He daily paints. Thank you, Ewa, for the living mural that you paint on the wall of my soul. I need you and your love as I need our gracious Savior Jesus Christ.

Grateful to paint a living mural with you, Kochany


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