In 1941 there were few escapes from the watchful eyes of the German patrols. The problem was that one could never be without their identification papers. The Nazis enforced very strict procedures and administered them with severe punishment for even the slightest infraction. Once in a while, however, the Poles were able to find an opportunity to enjoy fun activities like swimming. Your mother and father liked to walk along the Rudawa River and slip into their swimming suits along the banks of the river on their way to and from his parents home. Families walked along the river to and from Krakow for Poles were forbidden to drive. We can see that their generation was no different from us. On the banks of the river, Antoni and Antonina could talk about anything. They could imagine that they had that home your mother dreamed about. From this spot they could see the plot of land where they built their home and your father promised your mother that he would build a home for her there. Here, she excitedly told Antoni ‘that would be a dream come true.’ On a lazy summer day, when you’re with the one you love, you can be anything you choose to be. She was his queen and he was her king. Scripture describes young love in the Proverbs and the Song of Solomon. Proverbs 30:18 & 19 says, “There are three things which are too wonderful for me, Four which I do not understand: The way an eagle flies in the sky, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a young woman”. Song of Solomon 7: 10 says, “I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me”. Again Song of Solomon 6:3 says, “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine:” and again in Song of Solomon 8:5, “Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?” They had found their true love and they were filled with joy and happiness. I remember when we were thrilled to be together. It seemed ages between the time when we would see each other again, even knowing that we would be together the next day at work. We were young and in love. Sonny James sang a song titled ‘Young Love’. I remember the words. I used to sing it to you and every word was true.
Young Love written by: Ric Cartey & Carole Joyner
They say for every boy and girl,
There’s just on love in this whole world,
And I know I’ve found mine.
The heavenly touch of your embrace,
Tells me no-one could take your place,
Ever in my heart.
Young love, First love,
Filled with true devotion.
Young love, our love,
We share with deep emotion.
Just one kiss from your sweet lips,
Will tell me that your love is real,
And I can feel that it’s true.
We will vow to one another,
There will never be another,
Love for you or for me.
Young love, First love,
Filled with true devotion.
Young love, our love,
We share with deep emotion.
Your parents were young and in love and we can relive those sweet days with them in pictures and memory.
You are always young to me, Kochany