Love That Keeps Giving
Eva my love,
I know of a certainty that you love me by your words, thoughts, actions and intentions. You speak thoughtfully, carefully measuring your words, with kindness even when my attitude is less than pleasant. Your reaction is tempered with consideration for my feelings. Your intentions always have pure objectives without an ulterior motive. You say what you mean and mean what you say. You are like the wife in Proverbs 31, ‘A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm all the days of his life. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’ These words were written of you, my Ewa and all godly women centuries before your birth. At times, you are tested and tried by circumstances of life, but you are faithful to our God and your man. This fidelity is the fabric that enables a man to stay the course for her in tough times when he would normally throw in the towel of surrender. When a man and woman stand together in faith, believing in Christ Jesus, the Most High God stands with them. God created all men (and God created man, male and female created He them), to be Godly and pure. It is written ‘stand still and know that I am God.’ It is most pleasing to stand with you, my Eva, for you never come between our God and me. You actually strengthen my walk with our Lord. God instituted all the concepts of a union between a man and woman that glorify God and bless mankind. In you, my Ewa, the woman He gave to me, I have the love, like Gods’, that keeps giving.
Blessings and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord, Kochany