Saying What Had to Be Said
My tender, delicate and protective Eve,
It began as a conversation about the children and as always gradually moved to more serious topics related to the children and family issues. These are always delicate matters between the two mothers-in-law leading to emotional exchanges. You had held your tongue in the past and absorbed the verbal attacks and snide remarks, always to your dismay. This time however, you spoke your view and firmly asserted it. It was time. You were simply saying what had to be said. Every relationship requires a reality check occasionally. It is an exchange of heart-felt thoughts which one must defend and relate to another who has intentionally or mistakenly violated a concept dear to us. Your man knows your reluctance to engage in discord. Often others have taken advantage of your good nature. Your concern was for the grand children and your love for them invoked your concern and displeasure. It must have been stressful to confront another but concern for the ones you loved provoked a response that you could not contain. It’s OK Kochana. You were saying what had to be said. It is comforting to the man who loves you that your love always rises to the occasion when those you love are threatened, neglected or endangered. God is pleased with the protective spirit you evoke in defense of all whom you love.
Glad to be covered by your love and devotion, Kochany