© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Beyond Repair

Posted on Apr 12, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized
My Dear Ewa,
You know, we recently discarded our old lawn mower, when repairs became numerous and expenses and maintenance became excessive. We attempted for three years to postpone the purchase of a new mower because your man said, “it can be fixed cheaper than we can replace it.” This spring, however, we agreed that we needed a new mower. Our old mower was beyond repair. This natural aging process with physical devices, tools, machinery and structures of our natural world is the order, sequence and process of material possessions of our world. It is part of the regenerative process of the Most High God that persistently regenerates (replaces) the old and worn (beyond repair) physical, material world. As it is with the physical, material world, so it is with the spiritual. We see it in the destructive flood in the days of Noah (the anti-deluvian world was beyond repair), the first coming of Christ (the keepers of the Law of Moses were corrupt, devicive and wicked beyond repair) and the promised return of Jesus Christ in our apostate age because it is beyond repair. The Most High God also discards degenerative men and women when they are beyond repair. Since our Holy Heavenly Father knows the heart of men, (man and woman created He them) He justifiably removes evil men from the earth when He looks down the corridor of time and observes that they will not recover from their wicked ways. It is written, Jeremiah 17:9 “the heart of man is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”. God sent the final solution for sin and spiritual depravity in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ, not to repair us, for apart from Christ we are not repairable. He sent our brother, our Savior, our redeemer and Lord Jesus Christ to re-create us in newness of life. It is written in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (creation) : old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new.” This is restoration of life (for in Adam, all are dead) and it is the Creator God ordained place of man in the hierarchy of universal order and eternal life. In all matters, situations and lost lives, that which is beyond repair is discarded by the laws of natural decisions which dooms all who are caught in the downward, swirling, torrential vortex of sin and certain death of every lost soul. They are lost because they choose to be. By denying Christ and aligning their will with a dying world and satan, the evil God of their world, [Note: Creator God is the one true God of this world and universe] they wander aimlessly in spiritual dark and dry places until their souls starve (no spiritual food) and die of thirst (no water of life from God Most High). There is a progression of repair. It begins with minor mechanical, physical, mental or spiritual failures which are fixed with relative ease. But over time, the same failures reappear, new failures occur and these require more effort to correct. Ultimately, everything after the order of the natural man and physical world reaches the point of no return and is beyond repair. In the resurrected Christ, the soul of man is recreated in newness of life preparing the way for the resurrection of men and women in unstained spiritual robes and glowing in the glory of the triune God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Let us unceasingly pray and reach out to lost souls mired in the swamps and mud of sin who are beyond repair. There is hope for them in God and the new life they can attain in Jesus Christ Our Lord, Savior, Redeemer and resurrected Son of Man. When we were beyond repair God, in His Son Jesus Christ, made a way for us. He is Holy and Worthy of Praise.

Let us praise Him with devoted righteous lives,Kochany


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