© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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A Bridge Suspended from Just One End

Posted on Feb 19, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Kochana Eve, with you all things are more wonderful,

Just south of Carcross, British Columbia, Canada (67 miles North of Skagway, Alaska) is a unique suspension bridge spanning a gorge in the mountain range. When Engineers planned the bridge it was discovered that the gorge which it spans sat on a fault which made one side more likely to shift or drop in a seismic event. They were presented with a dilemma. A bridge is secured on both ends. The solution was to secure both ends of the bridge with pads to support each respective end but to place all the suspension supports on the most secure side of the fault in the gorge. This required adding enough additional strength to the support beams and suspension cables to support the bridge and to absorb the additional stress of an earth quake which would be anchored in the rock which would not be shaken. As we drove across that bridge, the thought occurred that this was just like the anchor of our faith, our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the bridge between us and His Holy Heavenly Father who is the Rock of our Salvation. God cannot be moved and is a sure foundation throughout eternity. Christ is also a support bridge anchored on that rock, the Creation Father of Love, which assures our safe passage through any and all eventualities. All bridges anchored on any other foundation will rust, corrode and deteriorate over time but our Jesus Christ Bridge is eternal and timeless. The plans and schemes of man will all pass away, but those plans, hopes and expectations bundled in the love of Christ through his redeeming power will endure forever. Evidence of the all mighty power of our eternal God is present in nature all around us. Let us remember in our quiet time when we commune with God in prayer, worship or study His Holy Word  that our God, through Jesus Christ his Son, provided a sure salvation when He redeemed us from our sin. Let us humbly but boldly approach him in prayer and praise.

Glad we’re anchored in Christ, Kochany


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