© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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An Erroneous Statement about the Arc of the Covenant

Posted on May 4, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Eva, who walks with God first and me second,

In the Movie ‘Indiana Jones and the Lost Arc of the Covenant’, when asked why the Nazi’s wanted the Arc, an archeologist said that, “What ever army had the Arc of the Covenant would be invincible.”  Absolutely false.  The Arc was to be carried by the priests in front of the army with direction from the Most High God. The Israelites consulted w/ God before every engagement to get direction and approval to go to war. There was a procedure to be followed, a prescribed approach to God. It is amazing that the Israelites could have been delivered from 400 years of bondage, given the 10 commandments and law of God, instructed how to approach God and receive forgiveness and lead into the promised land without ever understanding the love of God or fear of their Creator who formed them as a nation. Worldly men think they are gods. Psalms 82: 6-7 says, “I have said, “you are gods; you are all sons of the Most High. But like mortals you will die, and like rulers you will fall.” At the end of the movie, it is said, “The Arc is something of unspeakable power and it must be researched.” Imagine, The Most High God being researched as a lab project. God is above understanding. Yet, of a truth the scholars of men imagine and conduct themselves as Gods, knowing the ways of error and foolishly thinking that they are well versed in answers rooted in truth. (mans’ truth) It seems that instead of being lost, the Arc has actually been hidden by God from foolish men who wouldn’t reverence the Arc of the Covenant any more if it was physically returned than it was the first time. The covenant of the Law given on Mt Sinai that necessitated the Arc of the covenant was fulfilled in Christ who instituted the New Covenant of Grace. However in all generations, it has been the hardness of the hearts of men (male and female created He them) that perpetually separates men from a loving God who created us to be one with him in all things.


May we be one with God first that we may be one, Kochany


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