© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Anything She Does Is Alright with Me

Posted on Jan 10, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My comfort in times of trouble,

I saw it in the love and devotion of my grandfather towards my grand mother. During his final years when he was bedfast she could do no wrong. She always met the needs of those in the sphere of her influence. When others tried to turn him in bed, he would say, “Rachel can do it! Rachel can do it!” It was the result of a lifetime of receiving love and protection from her hands. Her love was a covering from pain and suffering. She shared the good times and accepted their burdens without complaint. I love them for the life lessons they taught during his years as an invalid. She was delicate and tender when she attended to his needs, knowing the less painful and most comfortable method of moving him. How like an angel she was to him and those of us who loved them. No-one else could do the thankless, painstaking job of caregiver for my grandfather like his wife, sweetheart and life companion. She never shirked from hard work. Often love is hard work. (I love you, my Ewa, for the hard work you devote to our marriage). We have worked hard at times to keep the relationship our Holy Most High God has given us. He brought us together, keeps us together and sustains our marriage. We look to Him first and then to each other second for our daily needs. Our love has made us one just like the love of my grandparents made them inseparable. It was a pattern after the Heart of God. Like grandpa, my life is good with the woman who comforts my soul. I have God and my Kochana to share my days. All is well. God is always with us. As for my Ewa, I say, “anything she does is alright with me.”

Grateful for your steady hand in my life, Kochany


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