© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Because You Loved Your Mother

Posted on Feb 6, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

Because You Loved Your Mother


Your mother lived with you for three years when our love was growing. Several times my outreach to you was over ruled by the needs of your mother. Each evening, after work, you would drive directly home to attend to your mother. In my desire to move forward with us, it was my purpose to continually assure you that my affections were enduring for you. What could have been great frustration, was instead, a source of inspiration for me. It was obvious that you were devoted to your mother and this was rooted in a Godly character. Though you didn’t say it, your demeanor revealed that you wanted to be with me. Your attention to duty to your parent did not go unnoticed. I was not discouraged. Your action strengthened my love for you. I determined that I was willing to wait as long as required for you to care for your mother. True love is willing to stay the course and during the journey shines brighter.
Your dedication to ‘mamus’ as you called her was a powerful example of the way you would love me. Your patience with her frailty, illustrated your sacrifice and tender care for those who were blessed to be loved by you. I wanted to be loved by you the way that you loved ‘mamus’ (mommy).
By waiting patiently (at times Kochana it wasn’t easy) you came to understand that I would be there whatever the cost for I wanted you first and above all others. Most of all, we learned to wait upon the Lord for the promises He revealed when He brought us together. When His will became our focus then He magnified our focus upon each other. If we always place Him above all others, He will always bring to pass those events and promises so important to a full life.
This was the same spirit you exhibited by honoring your mother and it endeared your mother to me. She was worthy of everything you and we sacrificed for her. It pleases me that we assured that her needs were met. We have no regrets and let us glory in the satisfaction that the road we chose was the highest road. I would welcome her back were that possible. As for now and in the future we have our loving Lord Jesus Christ and each other.
Let me say to you my dearest that it was because you loved your mother that I knew how deeply you would love me.

The love of Christ be upon, around and within you now and forever, Kochany


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