© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Before I Met You I Knew You

Posted on Sep 2, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

To Eve,  that woman who among the children of men knows me as no other,

How is it that when we met the first time we each were instantly aware of a familiarity between us even though it was our first introduction? The uncertainty we felt was mingled with a kindred spirit which reached out to my soul as my soul also reached out to you. Was it not like my return to the village where my ancestors lived in Switzerland? Like many others who have returned to their ancestral homeland, it seemed that I had been there before, like I was in fact back home! Upon lighting from the tour bus, my unthinking response was to kneel and kiss the ground. I was home and my soul knew it. My body had never been home for I was born in America. Thus before I arrived in Switzerland, I both knew it and had been there, not merely in the loins of my fore fathers.
Does not our heavenly Father in His creative activities mix and match his children. If women are endowed with inherent abilities and propensities to mix and match to join together complimentary designs, arrangements, outfits etc., are they not emulating their Creator God who said, “Let us make man (male and female created He them) in our image.” And when He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone,” he proceeded to form, fashion and create a perfect match for Adam. These matches didn’t end on the day Eve was created as the perfect match for Adam. God continues to create matching sets, so that every couple is moved just as we were that blessed day when God brought me to you and you to me. The spirit of God who formed and knew you and me resonated in our souls and like a tuning fork which transfers vibration to a matching tuning fork, broadcast a signal which each of us recognized. That signal was harmonious and drowned out the dissonance of other interfering signals. It was a signal and song of the soul which each of us knew in our heart of hearts and mind of minds. That day my we realized our quest for oneness in God and in each other. The order was correct. God First, always first and each other second only to God, lest we make an idol of our love. Just as God said of his work, “it is good” may we ever say as well, ‘His work is good,” for it is in his Holy spirit that we can each say that “before I met you, I knew you.”

The peace and love of Chirst abide with you always, Kochany


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