© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Boldly Walking on the Mountain Top

Posted on May 7, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Ewa, my continual mountain top experience

The boldness of youth coupled with zeal and zest for life is evident in the unbridled confidence of young people standing on the edge of a cliff, three thousand feet high. They carefully choose their steps with mountain goat sure footedness as they survey the valleys, streams and seas below, boldly walking on the mountain top. Though not physically bringing us closer to God, trecking about on the summit, does separate us from the bustle, confusion, distractions and detours of those personal and social activities which intrude into our quiet time with the Lord. Prayer is to be a perpetual mountain top experience where concentration is so intense that we become unaware of the world around and within ourselves. Our thoughts focus on the higher purpose of life and we align our thoughts with those Godly precepts learned in daily life, devotions and bible study revealed as we commune with God the Father in the Holy Spirit. Paul exhorted us ‘to boldly approach the throne of grace’. Prayer is the ultimate example of justification (just as if I’d never sinned) by grace (undeserved audience with the Most High God). When we pray we are transported to the rarified air of holiness where the foul odors of rotten social and religious ideals of fallen man cloud the mental mechanisms of Holy thinking (the image in which we are created). We think and desire after the eternal order as we talk with God. When we talk with God we walk in love and have no fear as we follow where he leads. He teaches us true love and we have no fear (perfect love casts out all fear). Kochana, our life together has been a mountain top walk as we believe God for I knew you when I saw you because He opened my eyes to see that you were the one He had sent to me, the one I had prayed for. Better than any one I might choose is the one whom God sends for He sees all, knows all and is in all that is holy, just and true. Because He sent you to me, I could receive you without putting forth my hand to take as Adam and Eve did in the garden. Together in our life together we are boldly walking on the mountain top of life with the eternal God of creation.

Pleased to walk in high places with you,Kochany


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