Letters to Eve
This is a book of 366 letters expressing the thoughts and feelings of a man for the Most High God and the woman he loves. Each letter is intended to be a daily reading. Since each letter is sequenced by a date, the reader can begin at any day of the year and follow through until all the letters are read in 1 year. This work is an attempt to bridge the gap of love lost by failure to communicate. It is an example of the need of a man to know and understand the woman he loves and to share with her the depths of his being, mind and soul. God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Then He finished his creation work by removing a rib from Adam and creating an equal to him because on earth there was no greater earthly creature. Eve was a basic need of Adam and Adam was a basic need of Eve. Since that first meeting, when God brought Eve to Adam, men have loved the woman they needed. A man falls in love with the woman he needs. A woman falls in love with the man she needs. As it was in the Garden of Eden, in the presence of the Most High God, even so it is in our time and has been from the beginning.