Chichen Itza – A Mayan City
Dear Eve, my world travel companion,
Chichen Itza was one of the largest Maya cities located in the eastern portion of the Yucatan Peninsula. “El Castilo” Pyramid dominates the center of the architectural site but “El Caracol” is evidence of the advanced intelligence of the culture which developed the Mayan Calendar. The Maya civilization is noted as the only fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas. The culture developed unique decorative art. Of the well designed and engineered architecture, the most dramatic and easily recognizable are the stepped pyramids. Just a few hundred feet from the observatory is an outdoor bath with an underground aqueduct providing running water. The Maya did not originate their mathematical system but they completed the development of it. They built an observatory temple with a turret to enhance observation of the stars, planets and constellations. Their most noted accomplishment was the development of the Mayan Calendar that moves in cycles and ends 21 December 2012. The Chichen Itza “El Caracol” ruins are a testament of men looking to the heavens for guidance and direction in decisions and plans.
Every civilization of man spirals downward from an apex of cultural accomplishment. However the heart of Chichen Itza is the sacred Cenote (Well of Sacrifices) dedicated to Chac, the god of rain and lightning. It was located about 300 meters north of the compound and connected to it by a causeway. At the edge of this cenote is a small steam bath. The use of this cenote was exclusively sacrificial and ceremonial. Men, women and children were thrown alive into it as a sacrifice to the gods in times of drought. Human sacrifice is anathema to the Most High God. He is appalled by the needless death of his creation. The Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Roman civilizations imploded as the fundamentals which built each culture brought regression after an apex of accomplishment. Each succeeding civilization called out to false gods in the pride of Nimrod (a spiritual type of satan who hunts the souls of man), the ancient hunter. Every thought (is continually evil), idea and plan of man without God is certain to fail and history provides all the evidence to find each man centered project (government) bankrupt of those attributes which make man develop in conformance to and in the image of God. The ruins of great cities attest to the fact that man has always set aside a portion of its great art and architecture to a religion which they believed would bring them closer to God or appease Him. (appeasement means to continue in evil but offer a sacrifice (bribe) in hope that God will accept wickedness with no intention of refuting evil acts/thoughts and living in righteousness instead. AN ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS ASSUMPTION. HOW COULD ANYONE BE THAT STUPID? GOD CANNOT BE BRIBED!) However each substitute faith was an affront to the God of Creation. Each unacceptable expression of religious belief was rebellion against a God who displayed in the order of the universe and the observable natural phenomena that all this was the work of a God who planned every arrangement of matter and life. When men choose to ignore the call of a merciful God, judgement from a righteous God always ensues. When God abandons a great people, that people will most certainly fall. God can always be seen in the rise and fall of nations. As each new experiment of man fails because of the absence of God in the core of religious social structure, the end of the age of grace draws nearer to completion and the return of Jesus Christ is nearer still. Like the religious error of Chichen Itza, we now live in Babylon the Great. It is ripe for judgment. The chosen of God, anxiously await his glorious return. It will usher in a new day. The civilization He installs will last forever and we will live at peace in the image of God.
The glorious plan of God will be established forever, Kochany