Confined Until God Said He Could Leave
My Darling Kochana,
I am beginning my 18th adventure through the Holy Scriptures of the Most High God. A study of Noah reveals many amazing attributes of Godly obedience. We find that Noah was 100 years building the Arc. He believed God, who said that it would rain and a great flood would destroy the earth and all the ungodly, when as yet, it had never rained upon the earth. The Anti-deluvian world was watered by mists rising from the earth before God caused it to rain 40 days and 40 nights (imagine that) and opened the fountains of the deep causing the waters to rise above the earth in a deluge that caused the Ark to rise at least 15 cubits (24.61 feet) above the highest mountains. Noah completed his work and God brought the animals in pairs. Last of all Noah, his wife, their 3 sons and their wives entered the Ark and GOD SHUT THEM IN. Then it rained for 40 days, the waters rose on the earth for 150 days, the waters receded for 150 days and Noah released a dove 3 times before he determined that the earth was dry and they could safely leave the Ark. Since Noah entered the Ark on 17th day of the second month and disembarked the next year on the 27th day of the second month, it is apparent that he waited for the permission of God to leave the ark. (Note: 40 plus 150 plus 150 is only 340 days, or 25 days less that 1 solar year. The difference is the time Noah waited (1 year plus 10 days) for the Lord God to instruct him to leave the Ark. Scripture tells us that Noah remained in the Ark until God told him to disembark. Genesis 8:16 “Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons’ wives with thee.” We can clearly see that Noah, like Moses, our Lord Jesus, all the prophets and holy saints obeyed the voice of the Most High God in all things. Everything that they thought, said and did glorified God in perfect obedience. This causes me to think upon our life together. How often do we fall on our knees and ask the all knowing God for direction in our decisions. How few times have we asked his permission to vacation, or spend time in leisure, pleasure or relaxation. Have we ever asked permission? Why not? Our devotions in the Word draw us closer to Christ and we become more like him in obedience. We must remember that Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the Life.” Beginning with the 100 year effort to build the massive Ark, to the coming of the promised flood, to the horrible flood experience, the 8 surviving persons dared not move without the instructions, permission and guidance of the loving God who in mercy spared them for a new beginning. For it was, is and will be Gods’ eternal intention to restore man to the holy plan when, having created the world, the animals, the plants, and the fishes for man, he created man for Himself, to fellowship and commune with him. As the holy men and women of God stood with God even to the point of being confined until God said that they could leave their assigned duty, even so let us in faith and holy obedience strive to emulate Noah who stayed in the Ark confined until God said he could leave. We shall finish that which God gave us to do in perfect obedience to Him.
The holiness, righteousness and truth of our dear Savior Jesus be with you, in all that you think say and do,