© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Ewa and I in the Eternal Present

Posted on May 3, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized
My Ewa, I can’t talk to anyone like I talk to you,
It is Ewa in the morning, Ewa in the afternoon, Ewa in the evening and Ewa at night. It is Ewa in the past, Ewa in the present and Ewa in the future. More precisely it is Ewa and myself in the ETERNAL PRESENT. This is because she is part of my mental, spiritual and physical being as the life process unfolds. Brought to me at the precise moment when Gods’ plan for the two of us required our meeting, we began a relationship which is not dependent upon or negatively effected by the passage of time, for we are in the eternal present of the life plan designed and set in motion by the Most High God, the creator of the universe. The tree of life was, is and always shall be the Eternal Present resultant of being in the presence of the life giving God and His Son, Jesus Christ. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is the absence of the life giving Creator and His Son Jesus Christ. This Absence of Creator and His Son is known as time. Time is the condition of man since Adam and Eve stepped out from under the protective umbrella of the authority of God. The original pair walked out from the eternal present into time. The absence of sustaining life from the resultant separation from God is death. Thus death is merely the absence of life, just as darkness is the absence of light and cold is the absence of heat.
Abraham and Sara shared such a love in the eternal present. God promised Abraham a son and in so doing he likewise promised a son to his wife Sara. She tried to complete Gods’ work by giving her hand maid to her husband to bear a son named Ishmael. However, even though the time (biological) clock of Sara’s body rendered her incapable of bearing children, God told Abraham that she would soon bear a son. Sara thought it foolish, being 89 years old, and laughed. God scolded her but He understood the weakness of the flesh (effects of the condition of time). The following year according to the season the child of promise was born to Abraham who was 100 and Sara who was 90. The promise of God to man is spoken from the eternal present. It is life and it is certain.
Ewa and myself are in Gods’ plan in the eternal present which means that we will accomplish all that was planned for us to the Glory and Praise of the Most High God. No matter the effects of time on our bodies; our heart, mind and soul is in Christ Jesus in the eternal present. Thus we are assured of His blessings and guidance all the days of our lives.
We shall dwell in the eternal present with our father God and our redeemer Jesus christ.

The Lord be with you, Kochany


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