© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Family Pictures

Posted on Sep 13, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My faithful Eve,

I like to see you aglow with pleasure when one of our children sends us a recent family picture. You will never know how much your effervescence spills over to me. Your emotion and excitement lift my spirits. Photos of our children and grandchildren is one of the best fruits of our marriage. But sharing these soul pleasing moments with you makes the best better. Our years together have been saturated with bliss as we reap the blessings of complete trust that rises above all uncertainty and doubt. We look at the photos of our children and remember when they were as young as the grand children. How happy we were in the challenges of parenthood in our younger days. You were a good mother, the best. One of the marvels of family is that we begin with the best and all that follows is better. Each day builds upon the last and we have life filled to over flowing and saturation. This is what family pictures are to us. Truly the best in our lives becomes better simply by being one. When God took a rib from Adam and formed his wife Eve He took from the best and made him better. Adam was the best of all Gods’ creation work. Adam was the epitome of the six day creation work of the Most High God. He was made in the image of Creator God and God personally breathed into him the breath of life. How could it be any better than that? But God saw that the man was incomplete for He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” God completed his work when He formed Eve and brought her to Adam (He simultaneously brought Adam to Eve). God improved His best and made it better (complete) when He also formed Eve and breathed into her the breath of life. Only then was the creation work of God complete and scripture said that, “God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.” Scripture relates how God spoke into being the universe, the earth, plants and animals. But he saved the best for last. The Holy Word of God tells us that ‘God formed man of the dust of the earth”. At each stage of  creation, God began with the best and made it better. (this contrasts with satan/the devil/the destroyer who begins with the best and makes it worse when he touches it) As we study scripture we learn that the pattern of best to better is perpetual and eternal in our Heavenly Father who loves us and inspires us. We seek to emulate those principles he instills within us through His Holy Spirit. God sent His best in the person of His son, Jesus Christ, to prepare the way for us to an eternal reunion with Him but Jesus made it better when He said, “In my Fathers house are many Mansions” and “I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am (with his Father God Most High) you may be also.” Our family pictures are a continual sequence of blessing. In the example set for us by our Lord God, we have been enabled to receive the best and make it better.

Our best is always good enough for God, Kochany


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