After lunch today, I stopped by a Fresh Store which opened in our neighborhood a short time ago. Ewa would like this store because she chooses to pay more for fresh fruits, vegatables, cheese and meat. Eating at her table means only the freshest food, farm stand fresh when possible, has been prepared with the tender loving care of her delicate hands. The new Fresh Store will appeal to Kochana because immediately upon entrance she will be greeted by fresh cut roses of all colors. Most certainly she will come home with a dozen, just like I do when presented with the $7.99 per dozen price. I’ll never understand why she doesn’t tire of flowers. For Ewa, flowers are always appropriate. My mother was like that. She worked at a florist for a few years and she would always bring home those unsold, end of season, plants which were being discarded to make room for the next season of plants. She had plants and live flowers on every shelf, in every corner, on every table in the house and on the front porch. My dad protested one morning when she tried to make room for another plant on the coffee table where he drank his after breakfast coffee. He said, “You can’t save every plant your boss wants to throw out. I insist on one square foot of room on this coffee table to set my coffee.” Mom just smiled and rearranged the flowers and made room somehow. She simply could not bear to see perfectly good flowers thrown into the trash. (she did leave dad his square foot but no more – she used every square inch available to save her treasured plants) My Ewa is like that and I guess that’s one of thousands of reasons why I love her. Understand her, I do not. But I know her. She is my flower of choice. Her smile is like the fragrance of lilacs in the dew of morning. When I bring flowers home the fragrance of her smile fills my soul with pleasure. Her smile is never out of season and I never tire of the allure of her rewarding kiss. So this evening I shall return to buy Fresh Store flowers for Kochana and like always she will find a vase and a place in our home to display them. Like my mother, she can always find room for more flowers.
Your eternal freshness keeps me happy, Kochany