© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Gestapo Interrogation Terrorism

Posted on Jun 23, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Eve, who walks in the daily mis-information maze with me,

Nazi soldiers patrolled the streets of all major Polish cities in the western partition, enforcing curfews and randomly checking the identification and working papers mandatory for all men moving through the streets. If one was stopped, papers were in order and no suspicious actions or motives were suspected, passage was allowed. If support or cooperation with the Polish resistance was suspected the detainee was sent at once to the violent Gestapo for interrogation. Each day Antoni and all the men in the city were watched by the occupying army fearful that he would be stopped, questioned, searched or detained. The Nazi terrorists had developed and perfected this system of tracking movement and monitoring activity in Germany with the Jews and sympathizers who assisted the targeted minority. Germany had developed into a police state which murdered, intimidated and imprisoned anyone who spoke out openly or presented a threat or challenge to the Führer and his totalitarian dictatorial government. They had muzzled a free German press and this policy continued in every peaceful nation they conquered and held hostage. The world little noticed that it was the free German people who were first reduced to slaves of the diabolic crucible of horror that stood in defiance of the One True God Most High and every semblance of holiness, righteousness and truth. Man can never defy the Most High God without direct intervention and total destruction by the righteous judgement of an angry God. The Nazi captors required that each man work. This occupied the time of the men and prevented them from organizing an insurrection. Everyone in Poland knew someone, friend or family, who was in the Polish resistance. They would often help a friend who asked help but never asked a name. It was best not to know a name. If it was a brother, you knew. You avoided every instance which might hint or suggest that you knew anything about the resistance. One evening the gestapo came to the apartment of Antoni and Antonina. They suspected that ammunition and resistance documents were in their apartment. (The day prior, ammunition and documents were moved into the apartment and out again the same evening. Antoni and Antonina burned the papers in their fireplace to hide the evidence). After a thorough search which turned up nothing, they separated Antoni from Antonina. They questioned Antoni roughly and he answered loud enough for his wife to hear his answers. Then they interrogated Antonina in the other room. Failing to get information, the soldiers held a gun to the head of Antonina and told Antoni to tell the truth or they would shoot his wife. Next they held the gun to the head of Antoni and told her to tell the truth or they would shoot her husband. Antonina was pregnant and in the tension and stress she broke down and her legs began to shiver uncontrollably. Her breakdown was enough to stop the brutal interrogation and the Gestapo left the apartment. Gestapo visits were common in occupied Poland and the German nation which was also held hostage by the diabolic Nazi Party. Like the imprisoned German nation, this young couple just wanted to be free to live their life and have a family. That is Gods way. The Nazi and Communist invaders were godless, wicked devils who walked about in the bodies of captive souls devoid of the saving grace of Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God. Antoni and Antonina were married in the Church and lived a Christian life. But God delivered them by smiting their tormentors with blindness when they sought evidence to convict them. God is always standing in the shadows keeping watch over his own. “If God is with us, who can be against us?” Scripture records that the king of Syria sent an army to apprehend the Prophet Elisha. His servant reported that they were surrounded by the Syrian Army. Calmly Elisha responded in 2 Kings 6:16-18  16……., “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 18When they came down to him, Elisha prayed to the LORD and said, “Strike this people with blindness, I pray.” So He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha.… God was always with Antony, Antonina and the Polish people. He used the Polish nation as a battle ax against the Nazi political war machine and the atheist Communist slave state. By the power of the Most High God, Poland rose from the ashes of defeat while both political systems of the enemies of God and his people perished. Our God is a mighty God! He reigns in Heaven and on Earth! All glory and praise to the Most High God and his risen Son Jesus Christ!

We are assured of the promise of freedom in Jesus Christ our Savior, Kochany

From the Book:  Marzenie – Love Grows in the Crucible


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