© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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God Does not Speak in Code

Posted on Apr 9, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Kochana,
Your man is grateful that we do not communicate the issues of Life in code. In our time (and in times past) the educated intelligencia of our institutional religious organizations study scripture seeking truth and hidden meaning in scripture. They scrutinize the Word of God, research past church practice, delve into ancient history and refer to teachings of recognized scholars and evangelists to reveal new teachings that enlighten all seekers of holiness, righteousness and truth. There are those who espouse the presence of code in the Word of God to hide true meaning from those lost in ignorance of holy instruction, conduct and purpose. Careful reading and study of the Word of God, His interaction with his people and the fullness of Gods presence in Jesus Christ his only begotten son, reveals that God always speaks in simple easy to understand and instantly adaptable terms to our walk with God in Jesus Christ our Lord. In the Garden of Eden, God spoke plainly concerning the one decision which would bring certain death. He told Adam the food the animals and man could eat. Adam could do anything he wanted, needed or chose to do within the decision to walk with God in Holiness (Adam and Eve had no sin). Thus that set of choices, under the protective umbrella of Gods’ authority, were always pleasing  to God and aligned with his perfect will. It is not possible to sin when the will of man is perfectly aligned with the immutable mind of God. When God lead the people of Israel out of Egypt, his instructions were so simple that the wise of the world (Pharaoah, his wise men and even the people of God) disbelieved and doubted. Moses used signs to demonstrate the power of God (I am that I am). In 10 simple steps (judgments) God, through the faith of his servants Moses and Aaron coupled with obedience of the people, destroyed their evil masters and delivered them from bondage. He then lead them to a ‘land flowing with milk and honey’. When God confronted Evil King Ahab through his prophet Elijah, he simply told the wicked king that it would not rain again except at his word. After seven years of drought, Elijah called down fire from heaven, destroyed the prophets of Baal and prayed for rain. The drought ended at the Word of God spoken through his prophet. When Jesus Christ, our redeemer, taught in the synagogue, in the streets or in the homes of believers, he always spoke in simple terms. He said to Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” When Nicodemus asked how this could be, Jesus gave a simple answer which was easy to understand. “You must be born of the spirit to be born again.” What is the pivotal point of our discussion? It is simply this. The truth is revealed to the chosen of God because they know God personally. They cannot be deceived by counterfeit teachings or professions of faith.  It is written, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” It is also written concerning the last day believers, “They shall be taught of God.” The chosen of God are those seeking to understand the mind of Christ, to know and to worship God. The truth is not extracted from the writings, teachings and wisdom of the Word of God. It is part and parcel of each scripture and the meaning is evident to all believers who study, read and meditate in all Holy Doctrine both written and revealed. Jesus taught in parables so that the lost could hear the word and be drawn to a closer walk with God which would enable full understanding and spiritual compliance with the eternal life giving Word of the Most High God. Those who rejected his words of enlightenment and truth were lost of their own free will (their decision {not choice} to be their own God). God showed them enough in each parable so that each listener could approach the Throne of Grace in humility and begin a life changing walk with God in newness of Life (eternal life). In all dealings with man, God does not speak in code. He speaks in easy to understand, easy to apply concepts and principles that we might be more like God. Let us give thanks that we speak plainly to each other as God also speaks plainly to us in the Law, the prophets and our redeemer Lord Jesus Christ and our daily meditations with God.

Our understanding of each other is a gift of God, Kochany


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