© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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God Took You Out of Me for Us

Posted on Jun 21, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My darling Eve, who completes me,

Looking back to the emptiness of my soul Before the Consummate Event (BCE) when the Most High God brought you to me (and me to you), there was an emptiness, an incompleteness and unachievable need in my life. This was evident to our loving Creator God but, at the time, unknown to me (and you). Adam, in the Garden of Eden, was one, in, of and with the Father God but yet he was alone, without an earthly comforter. He was incomplete. This was the root meaning when God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” This is an amazing statement. In the six days of Creation the scriptures record how, on the sixth day, Creator ‘God saw all that He had made and it was very good.’ In the 2nd chapter of Genesis, the Holy Spirit gives us a second account of the six days of creation. The creation, up to the forming of man, is summarized but we are given a ‘Gods’ eye view’ of the helpmate (husband and wife) relationship designed to complete the man. God took a rib out of Adam and made a companion intellectually equal to, physically sufficient for and (like Adam her husband) spiritually rooted in holiness, righteousness and truth for the completion of man and the crowning glory of God Most High. Man (male and female created He them) was the epitome of creation. All creation work up to man was put in place for man. However, God created man for himself. Man was the interface or intermediary between God and the earth. Man was to rule over all the earth, but he was to align his will with the Most High God. God gave man earthly autonomy but He did not surrender His sovereignty (It is not possible. Only the Creator can be sovereign). Upon reflection, we can analyze that God took more than a rib of Adam when he formed the woman out of his rib. (Notice that Adam and Eve were formed by God himself and God breathed into them the ‘Breath of Life. All other life he spoke into being. ‘The last shall be first and the first shall be last’) This describes the intimacy of the God/man union and relationship between God and man. Adam had unmet needs and insufficiencies. God saw this and finished his creative work in man by taking from Adam a rib (those needs, insufficiencies and loneliness) by forming a woman, wife and companion for him/them. (What God did for Adam, he also did for Eve). Since she was his equal (not greater) God left in her needs and insufficiencies that could only be met by her husband. This is sublime balance. This is perfect unity.  This is seamless oneness. In the union of marriage each of them was complete in the oneness of love and holy matrimony. In amazement, Adam said, “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and the two shall become one flesh.” He was only praising God for the manifestation of the unmatched love and mercy of the one true and only God Most High. God had saved the best for last. Before we met, our God knew our individual needs and insufficiencies. What you lacked, He brought to us in me. That which your man lacked he brought to us (our union) in you. You were not only the most beautiful woman I ever saw, but you were everything I wanted, needed, hoped and prayed for. We are a perfect fit because God took you out of me and he took me out of you for us. Ours is a lasting union because, God is in the midst of our relationship. He is the cause of our marriage. In our daily life ‘He both wills and causes us to do his good pleasure’. The us in our life is the Most High God, you and I. God is Life. God is Love. He is our stronghold. We love God. You love me and I love you. My precious Kochana, let us abide in the peace, hope and certainty of the promises of God Almighty who took you out of me and me out of you for us that we could be one in Him, the Most High God!

May we forever be at rest in God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Kochany


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