I Want to Be Just Like Jesus
It’s Time my Eve for us to be as much like Jesus as we are enabled,
When Jesus willingly gave his unblemished life as a substitute for our sin stained existence, he opened the doors to the prison of our fleshly desires enabling us to shed that old tomb of death and claim instead a crown of salvation. Though he was a man in all ways, he fought all his battles in the power of his Holy Father, the Most High God, to redeem man and all creation from the spiritual tyranny of satan, the accuser of the children of God. When Christ rose from the dead, he was resurrected in Life Eternal as the power of death over man was broken for each soul that would claim his salvation. Let us joyfully receive him into our hearts and claim the victory he has provided to the glory of the Most High God and the benefit of man.
In Christ, Kochany
Just Like Jesus Inspired by the Holy Spirit of God and written with the pen of his servant Randy Suits
I want to be just like Jesus,
Who died that I might be set free,
And with no thought of self He suffered,
That I might know Gods’ love for me.
My evil heart had known no goodness,
Lost in my sin He knew my need,
He gave me hope when life was cold and grim,
I want to be just like Him.
I want to pray just like Jesus,
He prayed not my will Lord but Thine.
He gave his all to God his father,
And gave his life in place of mine.
My selfish soul was scarred with envy,
He washed away my pride and greed.
He gave me life and took my death and sin,
That I might be just like him.
I want to sing just like Jesus,
Not much is written about Jesus singing but the Bible records the events of the last supper with Jesus our Lord and his disciples. Jesus not only kept the Passover but He was the Passover. For this very hour He was born. He was the lamb which taketh away the sin of the world. Jesus was facing his darkest hour. The burden of decision was heavy upon his shoulders. The grief of separation from his disciples tore at his inner being. In that hour he resolutely refused to compromise with satan and steadfastly stood with God His Father. He broke bread and drank the wine of the new covenant and then they sang an hymn and he went out to the Mount of Olives to pray. As I consider our Saviors grief at this trying hour I wonder how he could sing at a time like that. Ahead of him was Gethsemane and the cup of death. He was to be lifted on a cross and there, suspended between heaven and earth, God and man, He would offer up his life’s blood for a lost and dying world. The heavenly father was about to judge the world and Jesus was that perfectly prepared, precisely timed sacrifice which would deliver Gods’ people from the bondage of sin. Jesus didn’t want to suffer the agony of the cross nor the rejection by his own. But most of all he abhorred the utter abandonment by his Holy Father who couldn’t look upon Holy Son as He bore our sin. Surely he didn’t sing for himself for his soul was heavy with grief unto death. He sang one last time for his dear heavenly father. Even in His darkest hour he had a song for his God. He sang with his dearest earthly companions and friends at this his last supper. Even in his greatest moment of peril, he took time to cheer his friends. He sang a victory song over satan our arch enemy and claimed the victory for God and mankind. The only way satan could enter into Gods’ presence was through the Son of God. Satan had no part in Jesus! Praise God I want to be like Jesus! I want to be just like Him!
I want to love just like Jesus,
He died to save a wretch like me.
He rose to conquer death forever,
That we might live eternally.
Christ calls me home to meet the Father,
He welcomes me with open arms.
The power of sin is dead, Christ lives within,
And praise the Lord, I’m just like Him.