© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Lust Can’t Wait to Receive

Posted on May 31, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Kochana Eve,

Do you remember how long it seemed that we waited for the Lord to bring about our hopes, dreams and aspirations? We each met many wonderful, promising people, but soon after meeting them, we knew that God did not bring them to us and we looked again to Him for the one companion that would complete us and fulfill all our Godly wants, needs, hopes and desires. Of a truth there were many who could have provided our worldly desires but that would have meant to turn away from the Holy Creator God who formed us in His image to be conformed to every Word that proceeds from the mouth of the only true and living God Most High. When He brought you, my Ewa, I knew you, because I knew the God who brought you. It was obvious that you knew the God who brought you and that the Most High God was bringing us together for our happiness and His glory. Thus I received you and you received me as a gift of God. We did not put forth our hand and take that which God had made for another purpose or for another person. We waited for God’s perfect timing. The gifts of God cannot be taken. Those who put forth their hand to take from the bounty of God only tear off the wrapping that adorns the gift, only to be disappointed by emptiness, guilt and shame. Lust always promises reward but delivers disappointment, depravity and death. A gift is only a gift if it is given and received. To receive a gift, we must wait until it is given. Waiting to receive from God is Love. Taking a gift before it is given is theft and Lust. Lust can’t wait to receive. Tonight I adore you. Always I adore you. It pleases me to know that you waited for God to bring me to you as I also waited on His good pleasure for us. The gift of God is Life eternal. It can only be received when we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is written, “Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Jesus overcame 3 temptations after he fasted in the wilderness for 40 days. When He hungered the devil tempted him to prove that he was the Son of God and turn the rocks into bread. Jesus endured the hunger paings and said, (Luke 4:2)”Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Though He was the Son of God, he was just as much the son of man. Since he came to redeem men from the bondage of sin, he had to address every trial, temptation, physical need and spiritual duress as a man. In so doing he did not divest himself of his holy attributes by being simultaneously the son of God. Concerning the humanity of Jesus, scripture says, (Hebrews 4:15) “For we do not have an high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” The temptations of Satan were designed to disqualify Jesus from being a suitable sacrifice for the sins of man by using his Godly powers outside the will of God his Holy Father. If he was to overcome as the son of God, then he was not a man who could die for the sins of all sinful fallen men. Furthermore he could not take shortcuts. Jesus could wait to receive the kingdom that was always his. (We must also wait to receive the same kingdom that was always ours, in Christ Jesus, who gave his life to prepare the way for us.) You were always mine in God’s plan but we also had to wait for Gods’ perfect timing. Lust can’t wait to receive. Jesus waited and received. All that he received, he then gave to those of us who love him and are called according to his purpose. All glory, praise and honor to our savior and king, Jesus, the son of the Most High God.

May the blessings of our Lord abide upon, about and within us now and forever, Kochany


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