Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse
Eve, my lovely lady with the grandest zest for life,
Our vacation trip to Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse Mountain, and Colorado Springs was one of our best vacations. Four presidents faces are carved into Mt. Rushmore in memory of their works for the American people. This project was funded by the United States government and turned into a national park. Taxpayer dollars funded this project. More impressive than Mt. Rushmore was the image of Crazy Horse a short drive further south. This project has been in progress since 1948 and is funded by private contributions. The Lakota Oglala Indian chief is remembered by the Sioux Nation of American Indians. They have refused US government financial assistance because government money brings restrictions like political correctness which defames and redefines native heritage and accurate historic meaning of those ideals and life style held dear to the heart of our native American friends and fellow citizens. The project could have been complete by now but historic accuracy supersedes completion date. With great pride the Sioux and all American Indians watch and wait patiently for a work that reflects and represents the heart, mind and soul of a great nation of Native American Citizens. I also take pride in this work for my great grandmother was a Shawnee Indian. Their quest, Kochana, is like our love. It is a daily labor of love. Moment by moment we work through the issuses of life as we work to a completion of our life work. We refuse to redefine our Christian Faith and daily fulfill the work required for attainment of the dreams and plans we share. God is with us. We are in His will and way. We are committed and steadfast in our duties. Like the Lakota Sioux, we choose our ways in Christ and refuse assistance and financial aid from a world which would corrupt us and destroy the intentions of our loving Lord. Our love is like the crazy horse sculpture in the mountain. We are embedded in the solid rock of Jesus Christ and imprinted forever in the heart of God and each other. Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse represent two diametrically opposed methods of finance. We have chosen the Crazy Horse pattern for our life work together.
Walking with you in our life work, Kochany