My Eve Came without Fanfare
My Eve, the woman who saturated my heart without pretense, who approached as the Godly woman you are, my one true love,
Our Holy Father brought you, my sweetheart Eve, to my arms by simply causing your beautiful visage to pass before my eyes. When He brought you to me, you came without fanfare. You didn’t need it. The woman God prepared for me was a perfect match for my hopes, needs, desires and dreams, and as such required no supporting cast to add luster, glitter or pomp to that which the Most High God had wrought. She was the complete package and her addition to my life completed me, forming us, as we were joined together in joy, love and peace which passes all understanding. We don’t know how God works His glory and majesty in the union of a man and woman but yet we experience unsurpassed feeling and passion for each other in merely being together. We once saw an actress who sang many of our favorite songs. She performed in grandiose costumes designed to enhance her beauty, a professional supporting cast of vocalists and musicians who made her sound better than she was and stage props which set the mood for each song and dance. My Kochana, Eve, you need none of these enhancements to touch my inner being and hold my attention as you tenderly speak to my heart by simply being your wonderful, stimulating, delightful self. Jesus Christ came to a world lost in sin without the fanfare of a vain, pompous and deceitful world caught up in self worship; blind to the coming of the kinsman redeemer who would at last redeem a lost creation by paying the debt no sinner could pay. The only currency a Holy God would accept was perfect righteousness found only in the Son of the Most High God. Only the sinless Lamb of God, in the person of Jesus Christ, was free from the curse of death. When Christ gave his life on the cross, death couldn’t hold him for the chains of sin which shackle all mankind had no legal hold on Him. Jesus was found not guilty in the Highest Court of the Most High God and sat down at the right hand of God in the righteous resurrection power and authority of God. He said, “I have prepared a place for you. In my Fathers house there are many mansions.” As the risen Savior of man he constantly intercedes on our behalf in the eternal war with Satan and the demonic hordes of hell. His fanfare was in the angels who proclaimed his birth to shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their flocks. When he gives blessings like the love which He gave to you, my Ewa and me, the man who loves you, the angels sing in heaven for your presence in my life is a taste of heaven on earth. Our Lord had a heavenly fanfare and He also gives us a heavenly fanfare, a fore taste of the glory yet to come at the completion of our journey on earth. We love you Lord God Most High and praise your holy name for the hope we share in that which we received from your hand. It all began when you gave to me my earthly life love for your grace brought my earth angel and my Eve came without fanfare to become one with me. May our lives as one glorify you in all we think, say and do. I bend one knee to you and both knees to our God Most High,
Living the scene that was scripted for us in the eternal mind of God Most High, Kochany