© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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My Rainbow after the Flood

Posted on Jun 20, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized
Ewa, my Kochana,

On the day of the great flood, when Noah and his wife, their 3 sons and their wives entered the arc and God sealed them in, the antedeluvian world was not afraid of the wrath of an angry god. They scoffed and joked at Noah during the 100 years it took to build the arc. To construct a massive boat in the middle of a great plain far from the nearest body of water, capable of floating a vessel of that size was lunatic in the judgement of a wicked, pride filled, lustful people. All the time he was preaching the impending doom, no other man on earth sought the mind of God, choosing instead the deception of the devil and their own faithless and doubtful mind. God was faithful in those 100 years to allow adequate time for repentance. But at last the grace of God changed to judgement when the sin of man reached the point of no return. Only god knows that moment when the mold is flawed beyond repair. It grieved God that he had created man, for his every thought was evil. But scripture tells us that ‘Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.’ This means that God saw hope in this one man and his family. So rather than to destroy the good with the wicked, the Lord God devised a plan to save the one man who loved Him and obeyed and served Him faithfully through the ridicule of an ungodly world. See how God loves those who love Him.
After the waters of the flood receded from the earth, God in his grace repented of the judgement of the world by water and promised never to destroy it again by water. Then He put a rainbow in the cloud as a sign of His covenant with mankind. The bow in the cloud symbolizes His son Jesus Christ in the heart of Gods people. It is written that ‘he shall return in a great cloud of witnesses; a cloud (meaning many – in ten thousand saints to shine) because their testimony shall be showers of blessing to a lost and dying world. He is teaching us Kochana that we may teach, lead and guide others with our example, works and faith.
In much the same manner, God brought us together after a flood of misfortune in our lives. I was disoriented and He brought us together to work in each of us to bring us (as one and individually) a closer walk with Him. Let us continue to trust and obey Him as we search His holy Word for truths which He reveals to all who seek Him with their whole heart. In my own life, you have been my rainbow after the flood of tears and disappointment with my life apart from God in Jesus Christ our Lord.

All glory praise and honor to Gods’ Holy Name, Yours in Christ,  Kochany


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