New Zealand Sanctuary Restoration
My darling wife Eve, my perfect match in life,
Just 10 miles outside Wellington is an eco-project and restoration project for the native wildlife of New Zealand. Known as Zealandia or the Karori Sanctuary, its’ perimeter is fenced with a predator proof fence providing native wildlife a habitat like the that which existed before the arrival of Europeans who brought rats, mice and other predator mammals (in the holds of ships). Prior to the arrival of humans, New Zealand was an isolated and unique ‘bird land’. The plant and animal life up to that time was home to many flightless birds who nested on the ground in peace and harmony with no fear of predatory dangers. Conservation efforts brought remnants of each endangered spieces to the protected natural environment and many endangered are being restored to favorable numbers. The Kiwi, a flightless bird which nests on the ground, was in danger of extinction but is flourishing once again at the Zealandia Sanctury. The unselfish, good intentions and action of men can indeed bring about a re-establishment of endangered animals due to thoughtless destruction of natural habitat essential to indigenous animal life. What conservationists have done for endangered spices, our loving Heavenly Father does for his faithful servants. Before the satanic temptation and subjegation of Eve and Adam her spouse, the Garden of Eden was an isolated oasis on the earth fenced about by the authority and absolute law of a holy, righteous and loving Creator God. Only good could abide in this paradise. The tree of Life was a source of spiritual food which sustained life moment by moment, day by day, ad infinitum. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was a non-fruit bearing decision which yielded an unholy decision making venue which would not support life because it negated the presence of the Most High God (the life giver). God will not live in the filth of sin and the stench of death. Separation from God is death or the lack of Life. We cannot exist apart from the Life breathed into us by God in the day of creation. Satan deceived Eve by distraction and deception. Attracting her eye to the tree of knowledge of good and evil, satan (lucifer, the serpent) represented the fruit of the tree as a choice between foods for the body. In actuality, it was a decision to believe the evil, death producing, messenger (there is no life in lucifer). (Beware decisions veiled as choices. They are always deceptions.) It was a mutually exclusive decision which changed all the choices Adam and Eve could ever make. Scripture says, “their eyes were opened” after Adam ate of the fruit which Eve his wife gave to him. This means they died instantly. (they were immediately separated from God and the physical process of death began. This is mutual exclusivity.) There was now a breach in the holy protective hedge of righteousness. The enemies of life were free to come in and destroy life. But our merciful Creator God, who saw that the fallen angel lucifer had taken advantage of Eve and the man who wished to please his wife, devised a plan which would redeem men and mutually exclude satan and all rebellious angels and men. He promised a Savior who would redeem and restore man to his rightful domain and cast satan and his hordes of hell to torment in an everlasting lake of fire. (He [redeemer, savior, Jesus Christ] will crush your head and you [lucifer, the devil, satan] will strike his heel.) God has protected his remnant of believers through the generations since Adam and Eve in the sanctuary of his grace and love. He has carefully isolated us and often we feel like cast aways and rejects of the world. WE ARE! Praise God! He has actually sanctified his own (set us apart) and we are persecuted for our faith but the mighty hand of our God sustains and delivers us from all traps and wicked devices of our enemy satan. Satan is a defeated foe. Jesus Christ defeated him on the cross where he willingly gave up (‘into your hands I commend my spirit) his life and God his Father raised him from the dead, erasing the power of death and preparing a way for renewed access to our holy God. The success of the New Zealand Sanctuary is an example of the capabilities of the good intentions of man. The Holy Spirit is the sanctuary devised of God to redeem and restore the hopes of man.
Glad that we are in the camp of the redeemed of Jesus Christ, Kochany