© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Once Each Day – All Day Long

Posted on May 4, 2019 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

My Lovely Sweetheart,
Good Morning! And a good morning it always is when I’m with you. Your presence is all your man needs to transform the worst of circumstances into a hopeful event. The bad becomes bearable, the good becomes better and the best becomes better still. Your nearness is sufficient for me to endure another day, rejoice in every moment and celebrate in all developments of each hour. Your nearness (in physical presence or saturation of my heart, mind and body) is a perpetual happening once each day, all day long. I shudder to think of a day without you beside me to share my happiness. You are a gift of God and He loved us much before He brought us together to glorify his Holy Holy Name. But as much as I love you, God loves us so much more for he is capable of emotion and feeling unencumbered by the frailties of our finite abilities in the flesh and blood limitations of our human person. In his wisdom, He created the universe. In his inventiveness, He designed and laid out all the components. He positioned each star. He set in orbit each planet. He designated our earth as a home for the man He created to be His offspring. In love, he formed first Adam and then Eve his wife to be his personal emissaries to rule over the earth and all life forms. Adam and Eve were placed there to dress and keep (maintain the garden and watch over the animal and plant life) in His garden paradise. God made us to walk with Him, to commune with Him in heavenly holiness and to learn of him infinite knowledge of a Holy Father who provided all things good to his children. We are His in perpetuity. We are always in his heart, mind and person. Because He loves us, we are in His presence once each day, all day long. Let us celebrate his nearness and certainty in our love. The love God gave us is patterned after his great love which never fails, never falters and always prevails. Let us draw nearer to him as we draw nearer to each other in our walk with God. Let our walk with God bring us closer in body, mind and spirit to the glory of his Holy Name.

We walk with God to walk together as one,Kochany


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