One Special Cafeteria Breakfast
I was eating breakfast before work when you came in for a cup of coffee. I had two slices of wheat toast, and two hard- boiled eggs. I had my salt and pepper shakers for the egg. I was eating the egg, man style, (biting into the egg bite by bite with one slice of toast) when you sat down at my table with your coffee. I asked if you had eaten that morning. You said no but you weren’t hungry. My suggestion was to share the last egg and toast to make two open faced sandwiches, one for you and one for me. I thought that I would cut the egg in half and we each would eat our half egg with a half slice of toast. You picked up the knife, divided the toast and sliced the egg equally on your slice and mine. Then you lightly salted and peppered our sandwiches. I liked that touch. It was better than mine. The eggs even tasted better. It wasn’t my imagination! We ate our open faced half sandwich and left for our respective offices. That was our first breakfast together and I hold that memory dear in my heart. I wanted to have breakfast with you the rest of my life. God granted that to us. You still slice the boiled eggs at home but I must admit that when I’m out alone or with the guys I still take bites out of the egg. Nonetheless, it still thrills me to see you slice our eggs at home because it reminds me of that one special cafeteria breakfast when I first received a meal prepared by your lovely hands.
I like the way you prepare our meals, Kochany