© Randy Suits
Author – Playwrite – Poet – Songwriter – Singer

Randy Suits

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Poking a Finger into the Eye of Truth

Posted on Jun 8, 2020 by Randy Suits   No Comments Yet | Posted in Uncategorized

Eve, my dear Kochana,

A few days ago we saw a (so called) world leader address a prayer breakfast. The prayer gathering is intended to be an uplifting celebration for believers who come together to strengthen, support and share the good tidings of great joy in Jesus Christ our Lord. When the special guest stood up to speak, he poured cold water on the spirit of praise and worship by calling to remembrance ungodly events that occurred 700 years prior. The guest purports to be a Christian but this comment, brought to the forefront when it ought not to have been, adds support to much of the speculation as to the real beliefs of the distinguished (by the world) guest. Why did he not participate in the holiness and worship of the event? Why did he once again poke a finger into the eye of truth? A man can only give what he has to give. In this solemn event, he had nothing (holiness, righteousness and truth) to give, so he set forth a dialogue of war with the word of God, dispersion (separating the children of truth from the wicked imposters who infiltrate the church of Christ) and destruction by poking a finger of accusation into the eye of truth. This is a continual ploy of the devil. This is proof positive that the word of God is true. God said to Adam in Genesis 4:2, “When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.” This was more than a judgment on Adam by a righteous God. It was the result and consequence of the sinful, wicked, natural tendencies of men who refuse to align their will with the Most High God. In essence, a sinful, unrepentant man is at war with himself. In Genesis 1:26, God says, “Let us make man in Our own image, in Our likeness.” We are created in the image of God to be like God. That is the design, plan and purpose of Man in the universe. When we live and act outside the will of God, we pour sin (Destruction) into the Oil (Life) of our being. Just as mixing sand in the crankcase of an engine destroys the internal works of the machine, it follows that sinful rebellion against God distinguishes the internal spiritual existence of our being which makes us alive, in Christ, the natural apparatus (our body, natural conveyance vehicle and earthly home) of our human existence. Ungodly leaders always throw poison darts into every Godly assembly of God not so much to distract the chosen believers of the Most High God. They know the truth and will not be dissuaded by lies. Rather the evil world leaders (not all are willfully wicked) have their eye on the unbelievers who can be swayed, persuaded and mislead to keep them under the influence of the powerful few who rule as despots. Satan knows that disbelievers, like the devil himself, degenerate into greater disbelief, a bottomless pit of doubt, fear and disillusion and must be shackled in darkness with greater lies, more confusion, added disillusionment and stronger containment. Jesus said, concerning his own, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many that enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few that find it.” If there are so few of us, why do the wicked fear us. It is because though we be few, we are many. They also know that we are the eventual victors, the eternal winners. We shall overcome! Let us be faithful and true to the one true God Most High. Let us stand strong, confident and certain that all our Holy Father God has promised, He will do and we will share in His eternal victory. We we will not be distracted from our duty when the enemy seeks our destruction by poking a finger into the eye of truth.

Let us walk as Christ has taught us, Kochany


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