Protector and Plenipotentiary
Eve, my life companion and faithful wife,
Scripture tells us that God gave Adam the task of naming all the animals. Then He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” He caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, took one of his ribs closing the flesh, and with that rib formed a woman. Then God gave Adam and Eve their responsibilities to dress and keep the garden, which is to say maintain order after the standards of God the Creator thus representing God on earth. God established Adam and Eve as Protector and Plenipotentiary (Ambassador) of God on earth. We fail God when we neglect to apply Godly principles and instructions to every instance, event and thought. We deceive ourselves if we think that the evil one ceases to occupy our attention and efforts to incapacitate us from our duties as protector and plenipotentiary of planet earth. The Apostle Paul admonished us to put every thought under the strict discipline of the Word of God in Christ Jesus. Jesus was the perfect example of a man who engaged the enemy with every thought, word and deed of his conscious life. With rigorous application of the word of God (both written and spoken), he bound the accuser of man (satan) and overcame sin (he was tempted in all things as we are). Kochana, when God brought you to me, I perceived a duty to protect you. This is an example of how God instructs a man when the couple is delivered to one another. As He brought you to me He also simultaneously brought me to you. I became protector and plenipotentiary for God and you and you became protector and plenipotentiary for God and me. Let us give thanks and praise to our Lord because in our love for Him and each other, He made us protector and plenipotentiary.
Needing you as much as always, Kochany